Uxbridge Gazette

Move with the times



WE ALL know the most basic way our bodies operate is by turning what we eat into energy. The more we put in, the more we need to do to burn it burn it off.

Going about our day-to-day lives and eating healthy meals is usually enough for us all to keep a balance between input and output. But what happens when your daily routine changes and your usual activity levels reduce?

Whether it’s stopping going to the gym due to an injury, switching to working from home or changing habits which mean you spend more time in the house – all these factors will affect your output and throw your overall balance off.

With this in mind, the best way to maintain a healthy input/ output balance is to find other ways to keep your activity levels up.

But if you can’t go to the gym, or you’re not walking to and from school every day, what else can you do?


MODERN technology has been developed to make our lives as easy as possible. This is brilliant for when we are time poor, running around after a family, or trying to fit mundane jobs around our busy working lives, daily commutes and other engagement­s.

But what if you’ve got a bit of extra time on your hands? It can actually make a big difference to stop using these convenienc­es and use up some energy instead.

I’m not just talking about star jumps in the front room here (though do that if you like). Even small things like cooking a meal from scratch, rather than buying in ready-made items, use up more energy… particular­ly if you make additional changes like ditching the electronic whisk and doing it by hand.


TURNING jobs you have to do around the house anyway into exercise regimes rather than tiresome tasks is another solution.

A vigorous bout of hoovering, a dance while dusting… or even a bit of extra stretching while doing the DIY.

Putting all your effort into these activities is bound to get your heart beating faster, work your muscles and make you feel warmer – all doing you good.


IF YOU are struggling to find ways to be active, try actually putting obstacles in your way to force you and your family to move more.

Take the scenic route when walking to the shops.

Or at home, keep the remote control by the telly, so you have to get up to turn over the channel. Keep your kettle in the upstairs bathroom, so you have to climb the stairs every time you want a cuppa.

It might sound silly but each step you take and every time you lift yourself up out of a chair will be doing you good. To our modern brains, behaving in this way doesn’t seem to make much sense, but if you find yourself with the time – why not? Your body will thank you for it in the long-run.


IF YOU and your family are used to playing sports and being active, then find ways at home to replicate that energy.

There are plenty of things you can do in the garden as a family such as playing football, badminton, building assault courses and dens. And if the weather forces you inside, you can dance together, play tennis with a balloon, or even set up an assault course – just be careful to remove any fragile objects before you start!

The great thing about kids is that they have endless energy, so if you can encourage them to try something new and they enjoy it, they can stick at it for hours… forcing you to as well sometimes!


IF YOU are a regular gym-goer then there are plenty of things you can do in your home until you can get back to the gym.

This can be anything from putting bags of flour in a bag-forlife to use as kettlebell­s, to lifting cans of fizzy drink instead of dumbbells. Lots of exercises use body weight, so you can easily set up a ‘gym’ in your kitchen or living room and get into a routine as you would in the gym. Push ups, star jumps, running on the spot and lunges are all good options.

If you have a usual routine why not introduce it to your family and get them all involved?

Or, if you need some guidance, go online and search for videos that will give you step-by-step instructio­ns.

The great thing about this is that it’s something the whole family can enjoy together. You can do 30 minutes every morning before you start your day, or pick an hour slot three times a week – just like you would if you were attending classes.


BEING active isn’t just good for your body, it’s also good for your mind and soul, so it’s important to keep it up at all times, no matter your age, ability or personal situation.

So, whether you are starting from scratch, or just trying to maintain activity levels when your circumstan­ces change, there are plenty of ways to ensure your output and input remains fairly equal – and you can still enjoy the odd treat guilt free!

Ruth Lynch is Head of Health, Fitness and Communitie­s at Life Leisure sports trust

Every time you lift yourself up out of a chair will be doing you good...

 ??  ?? Get your steps in going up and down your stairs more often.
Get your steps in going up and down your stairs more often.
 ??  ?? Push-ups and vacuuming are simple ways to stay active
Push-ups and vacuuming are simple ways to stay active
 ??  ?? Try badminton in the garden
Try badminton in the garden
 ??  ??

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