Uxbridge Gazette

Spruce things up while in lockdown

A bit of DIY might be the best way to fill your time in isolation. LESLEY TAYLOR suggests project ideas


WHILST we all find ourselves in this new normal, it’s inevitable that we are all looking for pleasant things to fill our time, to maybe improve our fitness, knowledge, or enhance the four walls we are now very familiar with.

I’ve thought of taking up guitar again and have to admit, I really look forward to my virtual Pilates class, even if it is partly to have a little nose at the interior of my talented and extremely lean instructor’s house.

Normally, my life is so full of design ideas that I am adopting for my clients, my home is the last thing I focus on, but in these very strange times, even I have been toying with a few ideas to give my home a little DIY lift. So I thought I would share my top tips for updating your home, while spending time safely indoors.


IT will come as no surprise that well-chosen paint can transform a space. It is already reported that

paint sales have rocketed in the UK over the last few weeks and we can all imagine why.

If you are thinking of changing a room’s colour scheme, the following informatio­n might prove handy.

Warm colours, like yellow, terracotta and pinky tones are advancing colours and will make a space appear cosy as they draw a space in a little.

Cool colours, like blue, blue greys and blue greens are receding colours, making the walls painted in them look further way. Ideal for making a small space look larger.

Dark colours tend to make a room look smaller, with the exception of navy which is one of those magical colours that still manages to look expansive even though it’s dark.


ONE very easy way to update a kitchen is to change the splash back tiling. If you have a little patience and can get your hands on the right equipment, there are so many YouTube tutorials showing you how to tackle this sort of project yourself, this could be the perfect time to give that all-important room a lift.

Patterned tiles are really on trend and using them as a splash back is the perfect way of introducin­g pattern in a controlled way.


CHANGING one prominent wall in your room can really change the dynamics of the space. Murals have become very popular and are a very easy way to inject personalit­y and drama into a space.

Or painting a wall a dark tone and cladding in with a collection of mirrors is also an idea that will add a little designer detail without you having to go to too much effort.

Another idea I am adopting a lot in projects, is a simple wall painted in a block of colour that is then layered with pots containing plants, some attached to the wall, or draped from the ceiling and, most effectivel­y, in large pots on the floor back lit with spotlights (battery operated led spots are ideal for this effect).

Lesley Taylor BIID is an interior design and author. She is lead Designer at Edit home and design. edithomean­ddesign.co.uk

 ??  ?? Murals are very popular for introducin­g drama and they can totally transform a space. See designers guild.com for ideas
Murals are very popular for introducin­g drama and they can totally transform a space. See designers guild.com for ideas
 ??  ?? A display of mirrors adds detail to a feature wall. See Elitis.fr
A display of mirrors adds detail to a feature wall. See Elitis.fr

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