Uxbridge Gazette

Hayes turns ‘Wild West’ without police


YOU need to know how ‘Wild West’ Hayes has become lately. This is largely due to a total lack of visible police presence in the town centre. None have been seen there this year.

There are hordes of beggars in town. Every time I go into Greggs some scruffy male is shopliftin­g sandwiches from the cabinets nearest the door. They then push past whomsoever is queuing to pay, to make a speedy exit.

The female staff are frightened to challenge them because it seems that Greggs management is a) disinteres­ted, and b) failing to support its staff.

The ladies have said that sometimes they are even followed home by the beggars. This is unacceptab­le harassment.

Today, March 2, in Greggs, a scruffy male stole three sandwich packs in full view of everyone. I was in the queue. I knew what he was doing and blocked his entrance.

He swore at me – he had no mask, then he violently pushed past me almost amounting to physical assault, and ran towards his mates at the nearest the bus stop.

At times I’ve seen these beggars / thieves then board a bus by the side entrance and go upstairs. The drivers invariably ignore them.

It is also clearly evident that the general populace of Hayes think that the pandemic is over. Few are wearing masks, especially in Iceland where they are allowed shop without masks or social distancing.

Other hotspots for the maskless are Greggs, McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets. The Uber Eats, Just Eat, and Deliveroo couriers DO NOT WEAR MASKS.

And Hayes has never had Covid wardens despite the council saying it did.

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