Can You Spot .....................?


• Some children merrily bouncing around in some vomit on the bouncy castle. • A kid walking away in someone else’s shoes after coming off the bouncy castle. • A man trying to sell a pasting table, but everyone thinks he’s just had a really good day. • A young mum looking for a children’s car seat after hers was recently stolen from the supermarke­t car park. • A tracksuite­d youth selling off his impressive collection of children’s car seats, some of which contain bits of broken glass. • A Community Support Officer asking a stallholde­r where he got 150 assorted car radios from. • An old woman unaware she has a priceless Ming vase on her stall for 50p. • A cunt of an antiques dealer offering an old woman 25p for a priceless Ming vase. • A stallholde­r who refuses to accept that a signed postcard of Don Estelle won’t command a three-figure price.

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