A chance for any student currently in higher education to win a lovely spoon - ideal for eating your “starters for ten”.

- with Jeremy Paxman

Q1 “Marry, he must have a long spoon that must eat with

the devil.” These, of course, are the words of Dromio of Syracuse in Act 4 Scene 3 of Shakespear­e’s A Comedy

of Errors. But to which other character does Dromio address his warning?

Q2 A simple soup spoon is formed from a portion of a sphere of diameter 4cm and depth 15mm. Neglecting a meniscus, to the nearest cubic centimetre what is the volume of tomato soup that such a spoon could hold, and you must answer as soon as you write in.

Q3 Picture Round. Here is a map of Europe with three major spoon manufactur­ing cities marked. Simply give me the names of all three, and you may not confer.

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