Wales On Sunday

Family Christmas ruined after thieves take presents


A MOTHER has said her family’s Christmas has been ruined after thieves broke into her home and stole her children’s wrapped presents.

Melissa Habibi said she cried for two days after she discovered burglars had ransacked the Newport home she shares with her husband Sayed, 31, daughter Macey, 12, and son Kaleem, 18 months.

The 31-year-old planned Christmas early this year and had got her children’s presents wrapped and ready to be placed under the tree at their home.

It included £500 worth of toys, as well as clothes, trainers and expensive aftershave.

Now the family are rallying around to try to replace the stolen presents to make sure their children’s Christmas is not completely ruined.

Melissa said: “I was in work – my little one wasn’t at all well so he stayed with his dad. After work I picked up the baby from his work and drove home.

“When I put the key into the door I thought my husband had left the door open but then I noticed the tel- evision had gone and as I looked to the side I saw glass and shampoo bottles through my passage – there was just glass everywhere.”

After phoning the police Melissa realised the thieves had also stolen her daughter’s pink laptop and headphones.

Melissa’s sister Natasha has now set up a fundraisin­g page in order to raise enough money to replace the children’s presents that were stolen.

Gwent Police appealed for anyone with informatio­n about the burglary to call them on 101 quoting reference number 279 17/11/16.

Visit xmashelpne­wport to support the family.

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