Wales On Sunday


- BETHANY WHITE Reporter bethany.white@trinitymir­

WHEN Diana Williams woke up one morning 13 years ago, she couldn’t see properly out of her left eye. A few years later, she also lost the central vision in her right eye.

Shocked and confused, Diana went to hospital where she was diagnosed with age-related macular degenerati­on.

Diana, now 62 and living in Lampeter, said: “I was told that there was nothing I could do about it. I knew nothing about it and I didn’t know where to turn, and I’d never heard of the condition. “I felt lost for words.” Age-related macular degenerati­on (AMD) is a painless eye condition where the sufferer loses central vision, usually in both eyes. It makes it hard to read, recognise people and see colours.

She was forced to give up her job due to the condition, as her impaired vision caused her to make mistakes. But her good sense of humour and practical attitude meant she was able to take it in her stride.

“I’d always been in the caring profession and had seen and heard of so many things that people go through but you never think any of it will happen to you.

“But eventually I realised that if I did have it permanentl­y then I should just get on with life and focus on what I can do and not what I can’t do.”

Diana added: “Thankfully I can laugh about it. The number of times I’ve said hello to the wrong person, or tried to use a knife and fork on the pattern on a plate, or knocked things over, and things like that is surprising but I’ve learned to laugh at things like that.

“My condition has made me look at things differentl­y – there’s always a way around things. Things may take longer and be more frustratin­g but they can be done, and I can do it. I had to give up driving after a couple of years, but I can still get from A to B on public transport even if it takes a lot longer, especially in rural Mid Wales.”

After she was diagnosed, Diana got in touch with the Macular Society. She soon started to attend a support group in Swansea, where she lived at the time. With the help of the Macular Society, Diana now runs a support group for people living in her area, reaching as far as Aberystwyt­h and Carmarthen.

“I’ve met some people whose lives are torn apart because they can’t accept what they’ve got. I had one man who was practicall­y trying to throw money at me to cure it. I told him that our group can’t do that but that we could help him to live with it. I had another lady who had cried for weeks and wouldn’t tell anyone, and after taking part in her local group she’s come to accept the condition.

“I tell everyone that I see about our meetings that they’re about any form of sight loss.”

Diana said it can be hard for people to get the support they need when living in rural areas. This can mean they feel isolated as they try to cope with losing their vision.

“Some of the groups across Wales aren’t easy to get to if you don’t have transport but when I moved to Lampeter I knew that St Thomas’ Church would be the right place as it’s in a town with flat land and fairly easy to get to. We have about 20 people coming here regularly, including people from Aberystwyt­h and Carmarthen, and even more that come less regularly.”

The Macular Society is using a grant of £348,272 through the Big Lottery Fund’s People and Places programme to introduce volunteer-led services to reduce isolation and improve independen­ce for people with macular disease.

 ?? KEITH MORRIS ?? Diana Williams has a degenerati­ve eye condition
KEITH MORRIS Diana Williams has a degenerati­ve eye condition
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