Wales On Sunday


- TYLER MEARS Reporter tyler.mears@walesonlin­

’TIS the season to be jolly but for many of us Christmas and New Year can also mean lots and lots of booze. But all those Tequila Slammers and pink gins can only lead to one thing – a stinking hangover.

Many of us may find ourselves spending a large part of the next morning lying horizontal in bed, guzzling water, eating greasy food and asking: “Am I dying?”

Hangovers can involve a slew of unbearable symptoms from a throbbing headache to nausea, dizziness, the shakes and sweats.

But what actually causes them?

We decided to call in some medical profession­als to help answer some of the nagging questions we sometimes find ourselves asking after overindulg­ing on a big night out.

What causes a hangover?

Well, the most obvious answer here would be alcohol, but hangovers can vary from person to person depending on the amount they drink and their body’s tolerance to it.

“The main cause [of a hangover] is ethanol – a toxic chemical that works in the body as a diuretic which means you go to the toilet more often and therefore become dehydrated as a result,” Cardiff community pharmacist and NPA/CPW board member Raj Aggarwal said.

Mr Aggarwal added that the recommende­d maximum alcohol intake was no more than 14 units a week for both men and women.

Why do I feel so bad after drinking?

According to Dr Simon Braybrook, a GP at Butetown Medical Practice in Cardiff, alcohol is biochemica­lly quite a “dirty drug”.

“What this means is that it affects lots of parts of our bodies and brains in different and sometimes quite unpredicta­ble ways,” he said.

“To answer why a hangover makes us feel so bad we need to separate out the different effects and explain them.”

Dr Braybrook said one of the biggest effects was dehydratio­n but some of the pain we feel from a hangover can also be down to the breakdown products of alcohol – particular­ly sugars.

Why do my muscles ache?

When you’ve been on a big night out it can often feel like you’ve run a marathon when you wake up the next day.

But there is actually a scientific reason behind why our muscles ache after drinking alcohol.

“When a drink is fermented the sugars turn to alcohol, which is always a mixture of mostly ethanol and a little bit of methanol,” Dr Braybrook said.

“The liver enzymes clean this out of the blood by breaking it down.

“The main breakdown products of ethanol are acetaldehy­de and acetic acid – vinegar.

“Once our enzymes are all being used to process it it builds up – that’s why the muscles ache. They end up being soaked in acid – a little bit like how they are bathed in lactic acid after heavy exercise.”

Why do I feel absolutely shattered after drinking even when I’ve actually had quite a lot of sleep?

According to Dr Braybrook, alcohol is sedating – acting on the receptors in our brain, creating similar effects to hypnotic medication­s or sleeping tablets. However, the sleep it gives us is unnatural. “We don’t go through the normal waves of shallow and deep ‘REM’ sleep that we naturally get,” Dr Braybrook said.

“So, we often sleep restlessly, wake up early, and feel very tired afterwards.

“Alcohol is very bad for sleep.”

Does drinking water actually flush alcohol out of your system or just rehydrate you?

“Drinking plenty of water the next day, before we go to bed, or throughout the evening does help considerab­ly,” Dr Braybrook said.

“It is both flushing the alcohol out and helping your body rehydrate. Other than not drinking as much, hydration is by far the best way of preventing and treating a hangover. This can be with water or with a rehydratio­n solution which contains a little bit of salt and sugar which helps us absorb water.”

Why do I always feel absolutely boiling when I’m hungover?

“Most of what we feel in a hangover is dehydratio­n and it’s this what can make us feel unwell and feel boiling the next day,” Dr Braybrook said.

He added that the breakdown products of methanol (which is found in alcohol) were formaldehy­de and formic acid, which is also present in ant stings.

“That’s why often we feel prickly all over,” he said.

People say a big breakfast after drinking “soaks up all the alcohol”. Is there any science in that?

Sugary foods may help you feel less trembly but there is no evidence to support the benefits of eating a greasy meal after drinking.

It is better to eat food that is easy for the body to digest as well as replacing the carbohydra­tes, salts and water.

“Contrary to popular beliefs, greasy foods definitely don’t soak up alcohol,” Dr Braybrook said.

“The alcohol is well and truly absorbed by the time we get the traditiona­l fry-up.”

Why do we crave greasy food when we’re hungover? And does it help?

“There are reasons we crave unhealthy foods after drinking but they are far from clear,” Dr Braybrook said.

“There is some suggestion that a neuropepti­de called Galanin might be responsibl­e as animal studies have linked it to cravings for both fatty foods and alcohol.

“However, what is clear is there is no great benefit in a greasy meal after drinking.”

How do you stop the room from spinning? Why does this happen?

We’ve all had the “whirlies” at some point – but what is it that actually causes the room to spin after having a drink?

“The room spinning is a signal our brain is giving us to tell us we have been poisoned,” Dr Braybrook said.

“Alcohol interferes with the signals being sent to the brain from the semicircul­ar canals in the ears that control our sense of balance.

“The inclinatio­n is to lie down and shut our eyes but this can actually make it worse, especially if we are doing so in a situation where our head is still moving (like the taxi home).

“This will make us more likely to vomit (and have a hefty cleaning bill from the cab company) so sitting up and staying focused on a fix point can help.

“Unfortunat­ely the only way to stop it is to sober up – or, better still, not drink so much in the first place.”

Does “lining your stomach” before drinking actually work?

“Lining your stomach will delay alcohol getting into the system – not prevent the risk of getting drunk,” pharmacist Mr Aggarwal said.

“A meal will only delay the rate of alcohol absorption but drinking heavily will increase the risk of getting drunk.

“However, eating a proper meal before a night out is still advised – especially foods rich in carbohydra­tes and proteins.”

Dr Braybrook also suggested eating before going out may make you feel more satiated and happy – which could make you less likely to drink as a result.

Why do some drinks give you shocking hangovers and others seem kinder?

Do you find that drinking some types of alcohol make you feel worse than others? Well – taking into considerat­ion the amounts you’re drinking – this might also be down to the different levels of chemicals in certain drinks.

According to Dr Braybrook: “Some people do find some types of drink cause worse hangovers than others and this is thought to be due to a by-product of fermentati­on – congeners.

“These are present in most drinks in varying quantities but seem to be highest in brandy, red wine, whisky and bourbon.

“However the impact of alcohol is far greater. A lot of the difference is due to the rate we drink certain drinks.”

It’s also worth noting that certain mixers can also have effects on our body.

If you’re combining alcohol with something super-caffeinate­d like an energy drink this could make you feel a bit worse for wear the next day.

Does ‘hair of the dog’ actually work?

According to our medical profession­als, drinking more alcohol the next day – or “hair of the dog” as it is known – does not help hangovers.

This is because it only delays the appearance of symptoms until the alcohol wears off again.

Discussing ethanol and methanol – the breakdown products in alcohol – Dr Braybrook said: “That’s why ‘hair of the dog’ makes us feel a little better.

“The fact is that ethanol has an analgesic property (which is why we often don’t feel the pain of drunken falls until later). Once we are in the full throes of a hangover the liver has dealt with most of the ethanol and moved onto the methanol.

“Drinking more alcohol makes the liver go back to dealing with the ethanol again.

“It’s only a temporary relief, of course, as it’s got to deal with the methanol eventually.

“Worse still, drinking the next day adds more pressure on the liver and the temporary relief can make us underestim­ate the impact the alcohol is having on us.”

Does downing a whole raw egg cure a hangover?

While eggs are a good source of vitamins there is little evidence that they help cure a hangover.

“Eggs are very nutritious and full of great amino acids which are good for our body but I couldn’t find anything that suggests it helps prevent or cure a hangover,” Dr Braybrook said. “So if you want to down a raw egg, be my guest. Just make sure it’s fresh!”

What can I do to help my hangover?

Well, the first thing our medical profession-

als would always advise is to limit, monitor or stop your alcohol intake altogether.

But, if you can’t resist a cheeky pint over Christmas, here are a few things you can do to help ease your hangover:

Water and fresh juices can give a vitamin boost.

A rehydratio­n treatment sachet can replace lost minerals and salts.

Bananas and kiwis are a good source of potassium, which is a mineral lost due to the diuretic effect.

Painkiller­s can help with headaches and muscle cramps.

Sugary foods may help you feel less trembly. In some cases an antacid may be needed to settle your stomach first.

Bouillon soup – a thin vegetable-based broth – is a good source of vitamins and minerals, which can top up depleted resources.

To avoid a hangover:

Don’t drink more than you know your body can cope with. Try monitoring how much you’re drinking by using apps such as Saying When from CAMH which can help track how much you drink, set goals and think about the reasons why you drink. Don’t drink on an empty stomach. Don’t drink dark-coloured drinks if you’ve found you’re sensitive to them. They contain natural chemicals called congeners, which irritate blood vessels and tissue in the brain and can make a hangover worse.

Drink water or non-fizzy soft drinks in between each alcoholic drink.

Drink a pint or so of water before you go to sleep. Keep a glass of water by the bed to sip if you wake up during the night.

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