Wales On Sunday

Peer’s emails probe


LIBERAL Democrat peer Lord Rennard is under investigat­ion by the communicat­ions watchdog and his own party over allegedly breaching data protection laws while promoting his new book.

The Informatio­n Commission­er (ICO) launched the probe after complaints were made about a mass email Lord Rennard sent from his personal account to all Lib Dem staff and former party workers, which included the use of people’s personal addresses.

In an email seen by the i newspaper, recipients were told to enter a code to buy the book at a discounted price of £18.99, down from £25.

It is a breach of the Privacy and Electronic Communicat­ions Regulation­s (PECR) to carry out direct marketing in unsolicite­d emails, unless the recipient has previously notified the sender they consent to it.

The issue is likely to be taken seriously by the Lib Dems as they have campaigned to safeguard data and privacy.

Lord Rennard told the i: “I am not aware of any complaints. I have emailed people from my address book, or using publicly available email addresses.”

“The email did, however, ask if they would like not to receive such emails in future.”

In November, Lib Dem deputy leader Jo Swinson called on Lord Rennard to resign from the party over allegation­s of sexual harassment. The peer denies any wrongdoing.

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