Wanderlust Travel Magazine (UK)

Your letters

Your lockdowned mail and missives, fresh from the furthest reaches of your sofa: Galápagos memories, (genuinely) missing airplane food, photo comparison­s, and much more...


Star letter Grand Galápagos

Thank you so much for the recent webinar [to celebrate the release of Issue 206, featuring the article writers]. Just the thing we could do with as we remain at home, dreaming of travel.

I so agreed with [Galápagos author] Sarah Gilbert’s comment on how nature comes to you in Galápagos. Sightings are instant, surprising, sudden and unplanned. During one lunch time we were called by our guide to have a look at dolphins who’d suddenly surrounded us. We rushed out to the deck and had an hour with these animals who seemed to understand our interest in them. They swam, played, frolicked, jumped in pairs in a choreograp­hed concert around our boat. Our captain took it in circles around the group and they circled us in another direction, in what looked like a planned dance.

Then there was one night after dinner, when suddenly a large circle filled with luminously silver spots rose at the back of the vessel and started following it! Looking closely it turned out to be a shoal of some kind of mullet with luminous mouths. A smallish shark flitted between them having a feast.

The beauty of the islands is that every trip, even with the same itinerary is bound to have different experience­s, different memories. No wonder Wanderlust loves the Galápagos! Nandini Chakrabort­y,via email

Food for thought

With most airlines grounded, I’m missing travel so much that I’ve now recreated my own airline food experience (above).

Fiona Churchill, via email

Novel inspiratio­n

There’s one consolatio­n [to lockdown]: Wanderlust’s readers have access to a brilliant range of travel books. The works of Eric Newby, Colin Thubron and Michael Palin, as well as many others, whose gripping tales have inspired generation­s will, hopefully, inspire new ideas ready for when we can get back to travelling again! John Appleton, via email

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