West Lothian Courier

Dedicated Karen is our local hero

- Debbie Hall

Twenty years of work with forces charities

Once again the Courier and The Centre in Livingston, have been on a mission to find another local hero in the community who makes a real difference to people’s lives.

This month we’ve been inundated with entries, making it really hard to choose, however, one nomination which really stood out was a letter from Vicki Elliot, daughter of former WREN (Women’s Royal Naval Service) Karen Elliot.

And we have now chosen karen as this month’s worthy recipient of the award.

Karen has been volunteeri­ng with various charities including SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, for over 20 years.

After five years’ service in the Royal Navy, Karen left to raise her two children and at the same time started to run a series of events to help bring the community together to pay tribute to the armed forces.

These events include the Armed Forces Day held at The Centre, Livingston, annually since 2013 and the Festival of Remembranc­e at Deans Community High School in Livingston.

Karen is also chair of the Associatio­n of WRENS Edinburgh and District Branch.

And she is event organiser for the WRENS100 Scotland commemorat­ion events currently being planned to commemorat­e the 100th anniversar­y of the WRENS, which will take place in November 2017.

Karen, said she was delighted to have been named as this month’s winner of the award.

She added: “I feel so honoured to have won this wonderful Local Hero Award for doing something that I love.

“Not only do I enjoy the comradeshi­p that being involved in the Service related charities offers but there is also something really special about being able to provide ongoing, muchneeded support to servicemen and women, veterans and their families when they need it is most.”

Jennifer Bruce, marketing manager at The Centre, Livingston, added the award is well deserved by Karen.

Jennifer said: “I’m absolutely delighted Karen has won this month’s Local Hero Award for all her hard work, dedication, passion and time she has given to helping others.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with her for a few years now at the West Lothian Armed Forces Day event which is hosted at The Centre and have seen first-hand how she works tirelessly and is meticulous in her planning.”

Jennifer added that Karen can now take this opportunit­y to buy herself a Christmas present or enjoy some festive cheer with her family.

She said: “She is a very special woman who really does deserve to be recognised and rewarded with a framed certificat­e and £100 gift card, which she can use to treat herself to something nice or to enjoy a well-deserved festive meal out with her family.”

To find out details of the fundraisin­g and remembranc­e events that Karen and the Legion Scotland Livingston Branch team are organising throughout the year, including the annual Carol Service at 7pm on Monday December 19 at Livingston Free Church, check out Facebook page https:// www. facebook.com/rbls livingston

If you know someone who should be recognised and rewarded for the great work they are doing in the community, whether it is raising money for a local charity, looking after an elderly neighbour or volunteeri­ng in a community group, please send the details to debbie.hall@trinitymir­ror.com.

I’m absolutely delighted that Karen has won

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? This week’s In the Frame competitio­n entry comes from Courier reader Ian Mitchell, from East Calder.
● He captured this stunning scene of Beecraigs loch, during his recent visit to Beecraigs Country Park near Linlithgow at the beginning of...
This week’s In the Frame competitio­n entry comes from Courier reader Ian Mitchell, from East Calder. ● He captured this stunning scene of Beecraigs loch, during his recent visit to Beecraigs Country Park near Linlithgow at the beginning of...
 ??  ?? Worthy winner Karen Elliot
Worthy winner Karen Elliot

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