West Lothian Courier

Mum and tot fled cafe blaze

- Debbie Hall

A young mum and her baby daughter had a lucky escape after vandals set fire to the cafe below her flat.

Justine McCann and 11-monthold Olivia were evacuated from their Bathgate flat on Thursday night when the thugs set fire to the front of Cappadocia Cafe in George Street.

And the 22-year-old mum said she was lucky she noticed the blaze or she and her daughter could have been trapped.

Justine had to flee the block of flats along with five others when the fire took hold.

She said she spotted the smoke at around 8pm and saw the artificial hedges outside the Cappadocia Cafe were alight.

Justine explained: “I put my daughter in her buggy in the living room and I was lying on the sofa.

“Out the corner of my eye I just noticed all this smoke coming up to the window. I thought it was strange but I didn’t realise it was fire. I thought it was a vent or something.

“I looked out and saw fire on the artificial bush downstairs so I ran down to see what was happening.

“But by the time I got down to the main door to the building it had just gone completely up in flames.

“I ran back up and shouted to the baby’s dad to call the fire brigade and shouted to get everyone out the building before running back out.

“I’m glad her dad was in at the time because he helped me a lot.

“If my curtains were pulled closed I wouldn’t have noticed the smoke so I’m so thankful they were open.

She continued “It was Olivia’s birthday on Saturday and once we were all out I thought ‘ I’ve got Olivia’s presents for her birthday and Christmas behind the couch’.

“I was terrified the flames were going to get into the house.

“Thankfully it’s not too damaged inside but the windows outside are all melted and smoke damaged.

“I’m glad I noticed it when I did. It could have been a lot worse.”

Justine added: “The people who did this need to be aware of the consequenc­es of their actions because they put all our lives in danger, including a one-year-old.

“Playing with fire is not big or clever. I really hope they’ve been caught on CCTV and the police get them.”

Police Scotland said six people were rescued from the building but no one was injured.

Inspector Drew Elliot said: “A significan­t amount of damage was caused and parts of the building are currently uninhabita­ble.

“We will work closely with the fire service as part of a joint investigat­ion into the cause of the fire.”

He asked any witnesses are asked to call the police on 101 or Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.

 ??  ?? Lucky escape Justine McCann and baby Olivia outside their home
Lucky escape Justine McCann and baby Olivia outside their home

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