West Lothian Courier

I’m relieved to get past Riyaz... and the scoring system

Livi boxer saw fight a bit differentl­y than judges did

- Callum Carson Thomas Dickson

Livingston boxer Thomas Dickson admits he was“relieved” to get back to winning ways after scoring a points victory over Ibrar Riyaz in Paisley.

The 27-year-old was coming off the first defeat of his profession­al career but handled the tricky Riyaz admirably to seal a 39-38 win that flattered his opponent.

The lightweigh­t improved to 6-1 as he ended the first year of his profession­al career on a high.

Dickson came out the stronger of the two fighters and controlled the first round before the experience­d Riyaz, in his 119th pro bout, started throwing punches.

But while the 31-year-old from Reading connected with plenty of shots, they did no damage with Livi lad Dickson biding his time before landing more meaningful shots.

Both boxers enjoyed spells of dominance but it was Dickson who, rightly, had his arm held aloft at the end of the fourth round to make his televised debut a winning one.

He commented: “I thought the scoring was a bit harsh to be honest. I felt that I’d won every round. I can understand why the result was the way it was after being told the reasons – but I don’t agree with it. “Some judges go on who throws the most punches, some go on where the punches land. Boxing’s very opinionate­d but the most important thing is that I won. “Ibrar threw a lot of punches, but none that really caused me any trouble. I think I had the more meaningful punches.” He added: “I’m not usually nervous before a bout but I was this time, I think probably because I was coming off a defeat and I didn’t want to lose two on the bounce. “I’m relieved to get back to winning ways and I think I had a good fight. “At this point in my career, I’m only seven fights in, it’s all about learning and dealing with new experience­s and I’m going to be going through things for the first time quite a lot. “Last time it was my first defeat, this time it was my first televised bout and my first time in Paisley, so it’s all about reviewing the fight and the lead up to it and seeing what worked and maybe what we can change and improve.

“This is where I’m going to learn and be able to advance my career. Taking on different challenges. Even boxing at a completely different time in this bout.

“They’re all things to adapt to and things that you want to deal with early in your career.”

After a gruelling 12 months since making a winning debut in Edinburgh last December, Dickson says now is the right time for a break before he gears up for what he is hoping will be another big year.

He said: “It’s been a remarkable run. I’ve had seven fights in a short space of time and it’s not something I can see myself doing every year but it was important to train and learn as much as possible in this first year.

“It’s tough going and all the training can take it out of you, but at the same time I’ve loved it.

“I’m going to take the rest of December off and not go near a gym or do any sparring - although knowing me that probably won’t last long.

“I want to relax and have some time off and then come back in the new year and really go after it and hopefully have another decent year.”

I thought the scoring was a bit harsh to be honest – I felt that I’d won every round

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