West Lothian Courier

Stay on track with your fitness plans and reap the benefits


Spring is a great time of year to embrace the better weather, the lighter nights and brighter mornings.

But perhaps you have let your New Year exercise fitness regime slip and it’s time to get back on track with our help.

First of all, the best way to keep motivated is to think why you started in the first place.

When we decide to get fit, we are filled with motivation and excitement but, unfortunat­ely, as the first few weeks go by we start to see that feeling fall.

So when that starts to happen, you have to go back to the place you were in when you first made the decision.

Go back through the mental process that led you to that decision and try to rekindle the fire. So you joined the gym, but a couple of months down the road, you are fed up with the treadmill, and the place is full of people updating their Instagram accounts.

So perhaps you made the wrong fitness choice.

Stop and think about what you enjoy doing, and find a fitness regime that suits it.

Do you like to dance? Then find a Zumba class you enjoy.

Do you like to lift weights? How about a Kettlebell session then?

You see, people are much more likely to stick to exercise if they can find something that is actually a joy to go to.

If going to your chosen exercise preference has become boring, then there’s a good chance you will look for any excuse not to go.

So find what you enjoy first and run with it. Another reason we give in, is we feel that we haven’t reached our goals.

When we suddenly haven’t lost three stone in two weeks, we start to tell ourselves that it isn’t working so why bother.

The secret here is to not be so demanding on yourself,

Set more realistic goals and give yourself time to get there.

Instead of weighing yourself daily, ditch the scales and start to think more about how you feel rather than how you look.

Stats show us that people that concentrat­e on how they feel, how their clothes fit,how they are moving and so on, are more likely to make fitness a regular event in their week.

If you feel that you need a goal to aim for then be realistic.

Give yourself six months to a year to get into the shape you want, and consult with profession­als in the industry for help.

There are so many conflictin­g lines of thought out there, so seek out instructor­s and trainers that have a proven track record with clients.

You may also end up isolating yourself in your quest for fitness, so if you feel you are heading that way, stop and re think your plan.

Fitness can be a very social experience, and you may require the support of like-minded folks to help keep you on track, so find a friendly happy group of people to exercise with.

Group exercise classes are great for this, and many life-long friends are made at these sessions, that will encourage you to keep on going.

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