West Lothian Courier

Support run for victim of incident


A West Lothian woman has organised a support run to show solidarity with the 32-year-old woman who was raped in Armadale last week.

Marie Wishart, who lives in Armadale, is expecting around 100 runners to turn out and show their support for the female who was subjected to a serious sexual assault close to Armadale Stadium on Tuesday April 25.

Ms Wishart said:“As a community we want to show that we are against what happened and that we are showing support to the attacked woman.

“Everybody in the community is absolutely disgusted by what happened last Tuesday in Armadale.

“I’ve been thinking about it for the last few days to see if there is anything that could be done show support and show defiance about what happened.”

Ms Wishart contacted a few friends on Facebook to see if they would want to participat­e in the run and they in turn invited a few more people.

She said:“It just grew and grew and I’m now expecting around 100 people.”

Both women and men are invited to attend the support run which will start at the Armadale Community Centre on Saturday at 11am.

They will then set out on a 2.5 mile route that circles back to the community centre.

Ms Wishart said that everybody was welcome to join in the support run and that she would also be taking donations for Rape Crisis Scotland.

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