West Lothian Courier

Working class have true alternativ­e vote


People should vote for Scottish TUSC (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) because we are the only party who will refuse to implement a penny more of these vicious cuts.

TUSC puts forward a real alternativ­e for working class people, it’s important they know we’re on the ballot paper.

Recent government figures show that the richest one per cent in Scotland have more wealth than the bottom 50 per cent and the poorest 40 per cent in Scotland are nearly 10 times worse off than in 2014. Why are our political parties offering up more and more tax relief to wealthy corporatio­ns yet cutting resources, services, pensions and working conditions for the rest of us? I think everyone knows deep down that there’s something seriously wrong.

The cuts to vital services have had a dramatic effect on West Lothian. Whatever the issues facing our communitie­s you can trace them back to austerity cuts. TUSC is a 100 per cent anti austerity platform for trade unions, socialist organisati­ons and community campaigner­s. TUSC will set no-cuts budgets but use borrowing and reserves, we will call on all Scottish councils to do the same, building a mass anti austerity campaign.

TUSC will call for the write off of council debt and a reversal of anti trade union laws. I see every day the effects on the poorest and the most vulnerable.

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