West Lothian Courier

Fun but forgettabl­e


Why Him? (15)

What initially looked like a Meet the Parents knock-off develops into disposable fun.

Bryan Cranston and James Franco enjoy going head-to-head and Megan Mullaly brings warmth.

Throw in a cameo from Kiss and awkward family capers and you’ve got harmless – albeit forgettabl­e – entertainm­ent.

Fortitude Season 2 (18)

The frosty thriller maintains its high standards during a gripping second run.

Mixing genres like bar staff mix cocktails, you can never quite predict how things are going to turn out.

Events from the first season still loom large in the Arctic settlement and newbies Dennis Quaid and Parminder Nagra add gravitas.

I.T. (15)

Pierce Brosnan is a long way from Bond as his miscast lead heads up this dull cyber-flavoured thriller.

He plays a business mogul whose family is targeted by his IT guy – yes, really – when he spurns his attempts at friendship.

John Moore follows A Good Day to Die Hard, Max Payne and The Omen remake with another dud that never gets outs of second gear.

Brosnan just scowls, drinks booze and looks mystified, while James Frechevill­e is one of the least imposing psycho stalkers ever committed to film.

Anna Friel and Stefanie Scott are given thankless roles as Brosnan’s wife and daughter, apparently only existing to get into peril.

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