West Lothian Courier

Charles Dundas


You would think that a“strong and stable economy”like Britain’s could ensure that everyone in the country has access to basic human needs wouldn’t you? Why then did Livingston see thousands of emergency visits to food banks last year from people forced to choose between heating and eating?

Since the last election the value of the pound has dropped by 17 per cent.

This Brexit-related devaluatio­n has led to inflation, and now the cost of living is higher for everyone. The average household is likely to be around £500 worse off this year compared to last. That’s a huge impact for less well-off households.

But I’m proud of the Liberal Democrats’plans to tackle these problems, and ensure real help for those struggling to get by.

Firstly, we would undo many of the Tories’unfair benefits policies. We will keep the triple lock which protects pensions. We’d ensure that child tax credits are paid to all families, not just for their first two children, and we will reverse the cuts to housing benefit for young people.

But tackling poverty is not just about increasing benefits, the real solution has to be in decent well-paid jobs for all, starting with the public-sector.

It’s time that the Treasury’s artificial limit of no more than 1% pay increases for the teachers, nurses, and civil servants was lifted. It has hit too many for too long.

A Lib Dem vote is a vote to change our future for the better.

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