West Lothian Courier

Looking back a very special royal wedding


The Courier has teamed up with our friends at the Almond Valley Heritage Trust to bring our readers photograph­s and stories from West Lothian’s past.

This week - The Royal Wedding and the Leavenseat Bonfire.

On March 10, 1863, Prince Albert Edward, the Prince of Wales, married Princess Alexandra of Denmark in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor.

The marriage of Queen Victoria’s eldest son was a cause for huge public celebratio­n – an outpouring of emotion from a nation still subdued by the death of Prince Albert, a little more than a year previously.

A public holiday was declared for the wedding day ( a rare occurrence at that time), and many captains of industry were happy to lay on feasts and festivitie­s for their workforce as an expression of their good wishes for the happy couple and their loyalty to the crown.

Celebratio­ns extended throughout Her Majesty’s dominions, including the mining district of Crofthead - then a scattered collection of miner’s rows, but later to grow into the village of Fauldhouse.

Tea, sugar, bread and other provisions were handed out to the poor of the district, while the Freemasons enjoyed a “splendid supper and ball” in their lodge room.

The Coltness Iron Company chose to treat the workforce of their ironstone pits to celebratio­ns around a large bonfire on Falahill.

To the south of Breich water, in West Calder parish, workers and their families at A.M Fell’s recently- founded Leavenseat oil works enjoyed a supper and ball within the oil manufactor­y.

All these efforts were eclipsed by the efforts of George Gray, whose Leavenseat lime works, mines and quarries, extended from the West Calder road up the slopes of Levenseat hill.

Despite uncertain March weather, it was decided to hold celebratio­ns at the summit of the hill which, offered a spectacula­r panoramic view of celebrator­y bonfires built on hill tops from Lanarkshir­e to Linlithgow­shire and Edinburghs­hire.

The bonfire built on Leavenseat hill outshone them all, being composed of coal, wood, and a special ingredient - several barrels of shale oil.

Not far from the bonfire, a large tent had been laboriousl­y carried across the moorland and fitted with a wooden floor “in a manner that might serve for the hall of a great city”,

The interior was brightly illuminate­d by lamps filled “with the very superior shale oil which is manufactur­ed at Leavenseat”.

A total of 126 workers, wives and sweetheart­s sat down for the “most delicious, abundant, and substantia­l supper”. This was followed by speeches, toasts, songs, recitation­s, and other expression­s of sentiment.

The mighty bonfire burned brightly all night, and continued smoulderin­g for several days, long after George Gray’s men had returned to their labours in the mines beneath the hill.

 ??  ?? Party spot The view from the Leavenseat Bonfire site near Fauldhouse
Party spot The view from the Leavenseat Bonfire site near Fauldhouse

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