West Lothian Courier

Garcia steps in for Matt


With Matt Williamson now out of the line-up, the Edinburgh Staggs Bar Monarchs have brought in former Berwick, Glasgow and Redcar rider Coty Garcia for the next few matches.

The Argentinia­n said he was thrilled to be given the chance, saying:“This has happened quickly, as soon as I read about Matt taking a break I sent a message to Scott Frame and asked him what he thought so from that we moved on to these two meetings.”

He wasn’t coming in completely cold, having had some meetings in Germany last week, featuring some of the sport’s leading riders.

He said:“I raced in Germany last weekend which was at a very high level and while I didn’t get the scores that I wanted, I think I did quite well against all these top riders.

“I feel confident that I can show people what I can do and finally make a step up in the sport.”

Garcia rode twice at Armadale last year in Redcar colours. For the Bears, he scored seven in April (including two heat wins) and 3+1 in June.

He believes he is fit enough and well enough equipped for the job, adding: “I’ve been working and training and getting ready to go to Germany. I’ve kept myself fit, I have the same bikes as when I rode for Glasgow and I feel they are good enough. I am looking forward to the matches.”

Garcia tallied a combined 8+3 over the two weekend meetings.

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