West Lothian Courier

Alan is delighted to be known as one big loser

… he drops eight stones to win group honour


Being the best at losing wouldn’t normally help you to scoop an award – yet one man from West Lothian has done just that after being named the group ‘Greatest Loser 2018’.

That’s because Alan Miller has lost a life-changing eight stones to take the title, awarded to the member of the Dedridge Slimming World group who has lost the most weight. And he feels fabulous as a result. Alan said: “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a loser when it comes to weight loss as it feels really good!

“I feel like a new man since losing so much weight – in fact, I look so different people who I haven’t seen for a while often can’t believe I’m the same person.”

The proud 40-year-old joined the Dedridge Slimming World Group – run by Kirsty Brown – in May 2017.

Alan said: “My health conditions impacted on so many aspects of everyday life, not being able to do simple everyday tasks without feeling fatigued and as a result my weight was suffering due to this.

“Before I lost weight I wasn’t that keen on having photos taken. I am usually smiling but that just kind of covered up the fact that deep down I was not happy.”

People who are overweight, with a BMI above 30, are more likely to suffer from health problems like coronary heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and cancer, and obesity is linked to a reduction in life expectancy of between seven and nine years.

Alan was diagnosed with lifechangi­ng health ailments within months of each other. These included MS and type 1 diabetes which effected him greatly on a daily basis.

Alan continued: “Going from being hard working to being registered disabled in a short space of time was absolutely devastatin­g and to this day I still struggle with those feelings.

“As a result of practicall­y being housebound to begin with then poor mobility and having to use walking sticks to go any kind of distance, my weight was increasing fast.

“Exercise wasn’t the answer so a change in eating habits was required.”

After being recommende­d by a close friend who had lost weight at a slimming club, Alan decided to join the same Slimming World group.

He said: “Walking through those doors was one of the hardest parts of joining. I was embarrasse­d about my weight and apprehensi­ve I might be the only man there.

“I needn’t have worried though, everyone there was so friendly, especially my consultant Kirsty, and I was relieved that my weight was confidenti­al – I’d had visions of having to tell everyone how much I weighed.

“Since then I’ve made so many friends at the group and they even laugh at my jokes! I honestly couldn’t have done it without the support around me every week.

“We help each other with recipes and tips and if I was ever struggling they were always there to remind me why I’d wanted lose weight in the first place and how far I had come since first stepping through the doors.”

Alan followed the club’s Food Optimising eating plan and swapped things like microwave meals and jars of cooking sauces for cooked-fromscratc­h curries and roast chicken dinners.

He explained: “People think slimming means going hungry, eating nothing but salad or counting every calorie you eat.

“But it’s not like that at all with Slimming World though.

“It has never once felt like I was on a diet – in fact, people are always surprised at how much food I have on my plate and can’t believe I’m losing weight eating so much food and never feeling hungry.

“I still enjoy favourite meals like steaks, home-made chips and roast dinners. But I’ve made small changes like using lean meat or cooking with low calorie spray instead of oil or butter.

“It fits in well with my circumstan­ces as I usually have plenty time to prepare meals which helps. I know that I haven’t gone on a diet, this is a change that I’ve made for life and have the tools I need to keep up long term.”

To date, Alan has lost a total of 8st in less than a year and gone from having to order 3XL or 4XL clothes online – as not many sshops stock clothes that large – to being able to walk into shops and pick items up in-store.

Alan said: “Other than the cost involved with having to buy new clothes, the feeling of being able to go into most high street stores and actually fit into most things is absolutely amazing.”

Alan’s health is still a daily struggle but all his consultant­s have said he can only have done himself good by including Slimming World in his life – and it means a great deal to Alan to know this.

Kirsty, who runs the Dedridge Slimming World Group, said: “The changes we’ve seen in Alan are incredible.

“I hope his success will inspire other people in Livingston and surroundin­g areas who’d like to lose weight by forming new lifestyle habits and becoming happier and healthier to take action.

“There’s a warm welcome waiting at Slimming World and, just think, if you start today you could feel and look like a new person just like Alan. He is an inspiratio­n to us all.”

The group meets every Wednesday 5.30pm and 7.30pm and Thursday 9.30am at Lanthorn Community Centre. To join call Kirsty on 0750513317­2 or pop along.

For all further groups please visit www.slimmingwo­rld.co.uk.

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