West Lothian Courier

You don’t have to go hungry when dieting

- Debbie Hall

Two slimming experts from Bathgate and Fauldhouse say there’s no need for anyone in West Lothian looking to lose weight to go hungry.

They say new research has found that filling up on lowenergy dense foods is more likely to lead to weight loss success than counting calories and cutting portion sizes.

The Solutions for Weight through Psychology, Satiation and Satiety study – led by the University of Leeds and published in the Journal of Nutrition – compared women following Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan to another group of women following the NHS Choices programme, which is centred around calorie counting.

Unlike a calorie-controlled diet, the Food Optimising plan encourages slimmers to fill up freely on low-energy dense foods (foods that contain fewer calories per gram) including normal everyday foods like fruit and vegetables, lean meat, fish, pasta, rice and eggs to satisfy their appetite.

All participan­ts attended four laboratory test days at the Human Appetite Research Unit at the University of Leeds.

The ate low-energy dense meals for two days and highenergy dense meals for the remaining tests to allow researcher­s to assess their impact on appetite and calorie intake.

Both groups found that eating lower energy dense foods left participan­ts feeling less hungry and more full despite consuming fewer calories with larger amounts of foods.

The two groups were also monitored over 14 weeks to explore the longer-term effects.

Slimmers following a plan based around low-energy dense foods for this period – as well as attending a weekly Slimming World group where they weighed in and received support – also reported increased feelings of control around their food choices and a greater confidence in their ability to stick to their weight-loss plan. And they lost significan­tly more weight than caloriecou­nting counterpar­ts – 6.2 per cent body weight compared to 3.8 per cent.

The research comes as no surprise to Fauldhouse consultant Haylee Hibbert, who welcomed 62 new members when she took over the Fauldhouse Slimming World in April.

She said: “I tried so many fads when I wanted to lose weight – skipping meals, food replacemen­t shakes, the cabbage soup diet. You name it, I did it.

“I was just desperate to get quick results. Yes, I lost weight at first but I only put it all back on because I felt too restricted and deprived. I felt so ashamed at failing too. You can’t keep that up for long at all.

“When I joined Slimming World everything changed.

“From the very first week I learned that, actually, you can feel full and lose weight enjoying all your favourite dishes just by making small changes to the way you shop, cook and eat.

“I eat more than I ever did before, I just eat smarter – filling up on lean meat, vegetables, fruit, potatoes, rice and fat-free dairy before anything else.

“I make healthy, homemade meals from scratch that the whole family can enjoy

“I also followed the Slimming World Food Optimising plan while breast feeding.

“My family can’t get enough of my homemade burgers and I can still enjoy a regular glass of wine or small bar of chocolate too.

“That’s why this new research really doesn’t surprise me.

“My members know they don’t have to weigh, count or measure everything they eat to lose weight.

“They don’t have to give anything up and they don’t have to ever go hungry thanks to Slimming World’s Free Food.

“It’s a lifestyle not a quick fix and something that can be kept up forever.”

Sarah Condy, who has lost nearly 6st and runs the Tuesday evening Slimming World group in Bathgate, says the key for anyone wanting to shed the pounds ahead of summer is to eat more – not less.

Sarah says: “If I’m honest I was a little sceptical before I joined Slimming World – it sounded too good to be true.

“I always thought the only way to lose weight was to simply eat less or count everything that I ate and drank.

“I soon learned that wasn’t the case – I can enjoy meals like homemade fish and chips, curry, roast dinners, ‘Fakeaways’ – the list is endless!

“I’ve stopped counting, weighing and measuring everything and I’ve made small changes – like using lean meat, low-calorie cooking spray and adding plenty of fresh vegetables to fill my plate.

““I’ve made a whole new bunch of friends and I look forward to sharing my success with them each week. We always swap great tips and motivation as well as recipes. We’re like one big family.

“Now I’m slimmer I feel so much more happy and confident – and I’ve got so much more energy too”

The Fauldhouse Slimming World group meets every Monday at 5.30pm and 7.30pm in St Andrews Church Hall, contact Haylee on 07949 224078.

If you’re interested in a Bathgate venue, pop along to the Sarah’s group, which meets every Tuesday at 5.30pm and 7.30pm in the Glenmavis Tavern (Smiths).

Or find out more about all West Lothian groups at www. slimmingwo­rld.co.uk.

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