West Lothian Courier

When hills saw sharp shooting


The Courier has teamed up with our friends at the Almond Valley Heritage Trust to bring our readers photograph­s and stories from West Lothian’s past.

This week: the Gala Braes. The old limestone quarries south of The Knock in the Bathgate Hills enjoy a panoramic view east and south to the Pentlands and westward to the Campsie Fells.

The Gala Braes roll down from this elevated spot, allowing a uninterrup­ted line of shot for over half a mile.

Among patches of rushes and gorse you can still make out faint traces of the targets set up at 100-yard intervals down the slope, where Bathgate men once honed their shooting skills and competed for the honour of their club.

During the first half of the 19th century limestone was quarried along the side of the hills, leaving a long linear scar that remains clearly evident from the minor road between Bathgate and Silvermine­s.

The northern progress of this quarrying activity was halted where the volcanic rocks of The Knock cut through the limestone seam. At this point the quarrying deepened and a limekiln and row of cottages were constructe­d.

The area seems to have been known as Mounteerie, although this name has never appeared on Ordnance Survey maps. In 1846 it was noted that this quarry was nearly worked out.

The Bathgate Volunteer Rifle Corps were formed in 1860, part of a national movement to create a part-time army of citizen soldiers in the aftermath of the Crimean War.

The great and the good of local society were quick to stand for election as officers of this movement but, as volunteers were initially required to buy their own uniform and equipment, few working folk could afford to play a part.

Training in marksmansh­ip and competitiv­e shooting matches figured large in the life of the volunteers and this action usually took place on the Gala Braes, just a mile and a half north of Bathgate.

The Mounteerie Long Range Rifle Club was formed in 1892 and had their armoury in Gideon Street, Bathgate. Membership cost four shillings a year and was therefore affordable for most working folk. Many club members were also members of a new form of volunteer force, affiliated to regiments of the British army.

The Mounteerie or Gala Braes rifle range was used both by the club and the volunteers.

The targets, probably large canvas panels set in steel frames, were set at 100yard intervals, parallel to the road from Silvermine­s.

Matches over 800, 900 or 1000 yards were regularly reported in the local press. Medals and cups were competed for and crack shots became well-known local heroes. Use of the ranges intensifie­d as the prospect of war loomed but by 1917 it seemed that public attitudes to shooting as a sport were beginning to change.

Volunteer battalions were disbanded in 1922 and by 1925 it was noted that no rifle ranges remained active in West Lothian. It was said that post-war youth saw shooting from a different angle.

It seems likely that the range saw further use during World War Two and some of the targets remained in place into the 1950s.

Today it is hard to distinguis­h the shooting platforms and short-distance targets from the earthworks of limestone quarrying.

From aerial photograph­s the location of most long-range targets can be made out as patches of differing vegetation.

On the ground it is more difficult to distinguis­h these Victorian marks on the landscape from a wealth of more ancient boundaries, tracks and building features.

On a misty autumn morning it is difficult to see fully the 1000 yards to the most distant target and you cannot help but wonder at the skill of the working men who devoted their spare time to marksmansh­ip.

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