West Lothian Courier

Hannah Bardell - MP for Livingston


It’s going to be a very different Christmas this year. After what has been an incredibly difficult and stressful 10 months, we are all facing the festive period much changed, after the events of 2020.

Many of us have lost loved ones to coronaviru­s, many have been unable to see their loved ones, some have lost jobs, businesses and livelihood­s and we are all unsure what 2021 will bring. I know from the significan­t increase in constituen­ts asking my team and I for help that the impact has been huge. I’d like to express my gratitude to frontline workers who have had the most gruelling year. In addition to the NHS and emergency services, the workers and carers who tend to our elderly, our sick, our vulnerable and those in need of a little extra help, this year we need to include shop workers, posties, volunteers and all the essential workers who stepped up and took on an additional burden – thank you for caring and for the vital work you do. 2020 has also reminded us of the power of local community spirit, of coming together to help others, of innovation and new business ideas forged from the restrictio­ns of the pandemic. With a number of vaccines being developed, one of which is here in West Lothian by Valneva, we can look forward with hope, love and kindness as we work together to get through this difficult time. I’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Hopeful Hannah Bardell MP

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