West Sussex County Times

Reflecting on unexpected­ly nice outcomes


Today is a dear friend’s birthday, and I’m very sad that I can’t jump in my car and drive into Kent to deliver the card and present in person.

But while reflecting on this, I realised that since the first lockdown started, we have probably ‘seen’ and spoken to each other more than we would in a normal year.

Last summer we started a tradition of having long video calls where we just ramble on about everything and nothing - just like we do in person. We have chatted while we baked, chopped veg for dinner, tidied and pottered in the garden.

Our families wander through in the background and say hello.

And at some point we switched to walking and talking - I used my phone to show her the beautiful hills, fields and woods that I like to traipse through near my home, and she showed me the town and seaside paths she was treading.

I miss my regular trips to the coast and it is lovely when she stops and shows me the still green water in the harbour and the waves breaking on the sand.

She is greatly amused when I stand back to let a horserider pass, or make way for a seasoned hiker with his walking poles.

One thing I realised is that on my walks I break off from my chat with her to say hello to everyone I pass - to exchange a few friendly words about the view, the weather, to share a warning about a slippery spot or a tip on a particular­ly nice route to follow. It makes my feel very lucky not just to live in a such a beautiful part of the world, but also to be surrounded by others similarly enjoying the great outdoors.

I will be glad when lockdown is lifted and I can once more make a trip into Kent to visit my friend. But I enjoy our virtual meetings so much now that I do hope they will also continue.

Have you found new hobbies, traditions or ways to interact with your friends during the past year? Do tell us about them at ct.letters@ jpimedia.co.uk - it feels good to reflect on some of the unexpected­ly nice outcomes of this difficult time.

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