West Sussex County Times

How can we vote and keep safe?


We have ten or so weeks prior to the proposed voting day.

We have not seen anything to encourage us to vote in person. Will the clerks there be immunised, I wonder?

It is going to be a huge challenge to keep people 2m apart inside the voting station.

Will booths be sanitized between voters who may contaminat­e them, the pencils etc?

Handing over the voting papers will not be possible with 2m distancing; we will be having at least two papers for voting. Doorways are barely enough to walk through, so there will be crowds of people waiting to pass as usual.

Will sanitisers be adequate, or will they run out? The people who are exempted from wearing masks will be able to readily spread the disease if they have it and children running around will be spreading it too.

Voting will be an ideal way of generating more cases of Covid and its variants.

If we cannot look forward to booking a holiday, voting under the current situation we are in will spread it to those most vulnerable as there is a prepondera­nce of the older generation who turn up in person; younger people will either use the post or not bother.

Now, give them an app and they will all vote and tell their peers who to vote for too.

It would be good to either mandate a postal vote for all, this would include everyone of voting age and possibly encourage more people to vote and keep everyone safe! Stay at home, save lives, save the NHS.

JAMESBROOK Patchings Horsham

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