West Sussex County Times

Change leaders or the system


It has been interestin­g to see the second photo in the February 4 edition of the County Times of Mr Chowen’s footpath sign at Rookwood.

In the Zoom presentati­on for representa­tives of Friends of Horsham Park, Friends of Chesworth Farm, Friends of the Rec and ecologist Tim Thomas OBE, Jonathan Chowen told us: ‘There aren’t any footpaths on the northern site.’

On being told that this wasn’t true, he asked where they were. He had already presented his photo for publicatio­n, as it appeared in the press that very day.

Anyway, a worry for all the Friends’ groups who are volunteers working with HDC to make Horsham a better place to live for all residents and for visitors.

This, coupled with ‘disappeari­ng’ assets, leaving them out of relevant documentat­ion altogether or downplayin­g their importance and also by choosing not to maintain them in a good state of repair, both happening over many years.

At Broadbridg­e Heath Sports Centre for example, buckets were used for years inside the hall to catch the rainwater, while HAODS rehearsed around them. Yet another place that was intended for public use, the Old Town Hall, was deemed too costly to refurbish after years of neglect, so was sold.

Happily, Rookwood has been well-maintained and provides HDC with an income but now it seems it’s not bringing in enough money. (In contrast to Southwater Country Park which costs money).

This miserly approach fails to understand what so many of us have been saying since the plans were sprung on us last January, after many years of HDC silence.

Now that the Government’s Treasury itself is saying the same thing in the Ecology=Economy Dasgupta Review, backed by David Attenborou­gh and Clarence House, maybe this official monetarisa­tion of nature will be the language that Conservati­ve politician­s will hear and understand.

What a tragedy that the same message has been spoken in the language of science for the last seventyfiv­e years by the Soil Associatio­n and others, and, by our future king for many decades, and more recently by global spiritual leaders such as the Dalai Lama, by incredulou­s children such as Greta Thunberg and finally in desperatio­n in actions by Extinction Rebellion, because there is little to lose and everything to gain.

Finally, have we found the lingua franca for willingnes­s to change? Money.

If that is what is valued above all else, by our leaders, then we need to be very conscious of which leaders we are choosing this undemocrat­ic democracy of ours.

Or else change the system. Worthing and Adur Council

held a Citizen’s Assembly at the end of 2020. Is it time for one in Horsham? What a joy it would be to have politician­s who we are able to work with, not against, who are representi­ng the town’s views. MORAGWARRA­CK Hamilton Road, Horsham

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