Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Brexit is not to blame for current problems


YET again Brexit is blamed for all the current problems.

This has been an excuse for the country’s high unemployme­nt, uninvited illegal immigrants, housing shortage and a badly organised National Health Service. Not to mention a welfare system that favours the scroungers and penalises the honest worker.

If we do not like the restrictio­ns on workers’ movement and employment then why did we sign up to the EU in the first place?

The taxpayer should demand Parliament to produce a spreadshee­t regularly showing where all the money is being spent or wasted. To the average voter once the general election is over then Parliament withdraws into its own little world completely out of touch with the country as a whole.

For instance we were told by Edward Heath that we were joining the Common Market and that it would mean our goods would be free of tariffs and therefore cheaper and more able to compete with the emerging foreign markets who were producing goods using cheap labour.

That did not happen! Every single process of producing goods immediatel­y had VAT added to the price. That tax was then handed over to Brussels who promptly then handed it over to other EU countries to waste on useless schemes.

We have now left the EU – so get used to it! We should not now be sending money to Brussels as we should not be getting anything from them. If the Remainers don’t like it – Tough! We should start looking after our own people and putting them first. Not pandering to the ‘Do-Gooders’ who think we should provide every illegal immigrant coming into this country via the Channel or boat who expect to be fed, housed, educated and have free health care for nothing.

This country has been a slave to the EU for far too long and should now break away from their shackles and begin to regain our own independen­ce, set our own rules and ignore the EU.

Mrs A Earl Bristol

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