Western Mail

Views of Wales

Nothing adds up and Corbyn has a chance

- J Price Coleford, Gloucester­shire

MY voting history is much like that of Graham Lewis (Western Mail Letters, April 18), except l have never voted Tory, believing in the same sentiments as the late, great Elaine Morgan that the Tory Party never have and never will do anything to make life better for the working man and woman.

If Theresa May was serious about a fairer society, she would at least have made some attempts to make life fairer in the last budget.

People have complained about dishonest politician­s, then we get an honest, upright man and he is vilified. The right-wing press and the opposition parties cannot find any dirt on Corbyn so their constant propaganda is on his appearance.

David Cameron, and now Theresa May, never answer his pertinent questions, but attack him personally or drag up New Labour’s past.

By any stretch of the imaginatio­n one cannot think that like David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn would run away from a mess he had created and leave his successor frozen like a rabbit in headlights not knowing what the best and safest next move is, so being panicked into holding an election.

It is anyone’s guess on the outcome. One commentato­r quipped, “Guardian readers will go for Corbyn, Daily Mail for May, Express for Ukip and The Sun and other Murdoch paper readers will be led by the nose”.

But I find nothing adds up. The Labour Party has the most members, with another surge of new members since the election announceme­nt, the Tory Party is losing members and membership of the Liberal Democrats is down.

So can anyone tell me how all that equates with Jeremy Corbyn having no chance?

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