Western Mail

Don’t vote Tory, it’s purely for the rich


BORN in 1939 and a retired teacher, I enjoyed the brilliant letter on Corbyn by Graham Lewis, of Aberdare.

Adding to it, I would like to point out that when Clem Attlee died it was said of him: “Much of what he did was memorable, very little that he said.” Given the chance I am convinced the same would be said of Corbyn in the years to come.

Furthermor­e, I would challenge any working person who votes Tory to name anything their party has ever done to improve or expand the Welfare State. Lloyd George began it in the early 20th century and Attlee’s government took it further.

The Tories have hated it from the start. When the banks – not Brown’s government – started the financial crisis in 2008 it gave the Tories the ideal opportunit­y to change things when they regained power. They could now use the debt they inherited to blame the last Labour government and to introduce austerity. The chance, at last, to destroy the Welfare State as much as possible. Give them a majority in June and many vulnerable, disabled and poor people will suffer greatly in the years to come.

At the same time, the rich will avoid and evade tax as much as possible. Tax havens will thrive and the gap between rich and poor will be greater than ever. In my opinion, unless you are rich it is dangerous to vote Tory this coming June. Norman G Williams


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