Western Mail

Brothers in attempted murder trial were ‘looking for trouble’


PROSECUTIO­N and defence teams have given their closing speeches in the case of two brothers who are on trial accused of attempted murder.

Simon and Christophe­r Trigg, on trial at Cardiff Crown Court, deny attempting to murder Kevin Skye after a confrontat­ion at the Hafodyryny­s Inn in Caerphilly last Christmas.

Opening the case, prosecutor Michael Jones described the incident as “a brutal and sustained knife attack upon a man late at night”.

The court heard the incident occurred in Hafodyryny­s in the early hours of December 27 last year.

Prosecutor­s opened the case on Monday, June 26 and a jury of six men and six women were selected.

They have heard evidence from witnesses including other people who were drinking at the pub, a pathologis­t and a forensic scientist.

Mr Skye showed the jury a scar on his hand as he told them he could remember trying to hold off one knife as he felt another stab him in the stomach.

His fiancee Ceri Jones said she tried to wrestle a knife away from an attacker, adding: “There was blood everywhere.”

Zak Clarke, who was also drinking in the pub, said he formed the impression the brothers were “looking for trouble”.

He told the jury the incident occurred in a very dark part of the road with no street-lighting.

A video of the defendants’ mother Irene Trigg’s police interview was played to the jury. She said she told her sons: “I’m never defending you from this, never in a million years.”

Pathologis­t Dr Derek James told the court he identified a total of 19 or 20 sharp force injuries on the victim, consistent with an assault.

He said: “If he had not received treatment, he would have died.”

Judge Eleri Rees summed up the evidence yesterday afternoon.

Christophe­r Trigg, 36, who does not have a fixed address, admits causing grievous bodily harm with intent, but denies attempted murder.

Simon Trigg, 33, from The Glyn, denies both counts.

The trial continues.

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