Western Mail

Corbyn backs inquiry chairman over Blair comments


JEREMY CORBYN has said he agrees with Iraq War inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot that Tony Blair was not straight with the country in the run-up to the conflict.

Asked if he agreed with Sir John, Mr Corbyn said: “I have made that very clear in the past year, and, yes, I do. The case against the Iraq War is a very strong one. We have got to think very carefully as a country what has happened since the Iraq War and the consequenc­es that flowed from what I believe was a catastroph­ically wrong decision in 2003.”

Asked if there would be further consequenc­es for Mr Blair, the Labour leader said: “Well, I understand there are some preparator­y legal proceeding­s going on. I’m more interested, actually, in what we do as a country, how we develop foreign policy, what the interventi­on strategy is in the future.”

Mr Corbyn said: “A year ago Sir John produced his report, which came on the back of other reports, including the Butler Report, all of which indicated that there was an interpreta­tion placed on advice that Tony Blair was given that was simply not correct and we ended up going to war with Iraq and the consequenc­es are still with us.”

Pressed on whether Labour coAsked how a future Labour government would do things differentl­y, Mr Corbyn said: “We would base our foreign policy on peace, on justice, on democracy, on human rights. The default position would not be to intervene, the default position would be to bring about a political solution and we would put huge effort into achieving that.”

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