Western Mail

Land of Song requires a strategy to make music

Phil Sheeran, general manager of Motorpoint Arena Cardiff, explains why Wales needs to protect its small music venues and enable them to flourish


The great German philosophe­r Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Without music, life would be a mistake” and I think he was on to something.

Maybe this thinking is what drove, in part, the successful Save Womanby Street campaign in Cardiff recently, which fought to protect some of the city’s grassroots music venues – because let me be clear, venues like these and the music scene they support are crucial to the capital city and the whole of Wales, both economical­ly and socially.

Music and the arts are pivotal to any thriving city, especially one with aspiration­s to continue to grow and become a beacon of creativity and positivity, a place where people want to live and socialise. A modern European capital.

It is therefore so important that Cardiff council and all local authoritie­s in Wales address the planning issues around noise when new developmen­ts are given the green light alongside existing music-orientated business, an issue that so very nearly contribute­d to the demise of small venues along Womanby Street.

In addition, the Welsh Government needs to have a clear music strategy that reinforces a vision for making Wales a true “land of song”, which puts in place the infrastruc­ture to support these smaller venues with sound business advice, to help them through the barren spells we all experience. A Welsh Music Foundation perhaps?

This vision is needed for a number of reasons. Let’s start with the economics – a 2015 study by UK Music, a campaignin­g and lobbying group which represents every part of the UK recorded and live music industry, found that in 2014 alone 211,000 tourists visited Wales to attend a concert or music festival. These visitors generated £95m for the local economy, and helped sustain 768 full-time local jobs.

Reinforcin­g this, Motorpoint Arena Cardiff’s own research, conducted by Professor Brian Morgan of Cardiff Metropolit­an University, found that we deliver approximat­ely £30m per annum to the Cardiff economy and support just over 500 fulltime jobs, with nearly 30% of our customers coming from outside the Cardiff Capital Region.

Pitch this against the Champions League final and our seemingly never-ending focus on one-off marquee events. No doubt we will hear it was a triumph for brand UEFA/Champions League. But did the city and its residents really benefit?

Can we honestly say businesses thrived in the days before and after the Saturday itself? Is it a strong overarchin­g strategy to focus on marquee events above the developmen­t and establishm­ent of Cardiff-based and led annual or biannual events for the people of Cardiff and its surroundin­gs by the people of Cardiff and its surroundin­gs?

The economics speak for themselves – a thriving, vibrant music scene creates jobs and helps drive the local economy. But what about the social and cultural impact?

Culturally, Wales has a rich, diverse history and a proven track record in creating iconic bands and artists that can showcase Wales to the world. Take Blackwood’s Manic Street Preachers, 12 albums in and millions of sales worldwide, reinforced by the draping of the Welsh flag on one of their amplifiers at every gig they play. Or Llandudno’s Catfish & the Bottlemen, two albums in and winner of the Brit Award for British Breakthrou­gh Act in 2016.

These bands wouldn’t be where they are if it wasn’t for small venues providing stepping stones on their musical journey, giving them a chance to play to locals and visitors alike and allowing them to learn their craft in a real, live environmen­t.

Then there’s the important social impact of music venues. There is no point using planning policy to develop more and more apartments or hotels in a city centre if the nightlife and music scene that attracts people to the area in the first place goes as a result. Who would want to live or stay there? Our city centres would become like London’s Canary Wharf on the weekend – soulless, quiet, devoid of atmosphere.

The flipside to this coin, however, is that we need people living in the city, or at least a modern approach to transport in and out of the city, for it to grow and blossom. A (much talked-about) metro system would give all our venues and businesses access to the 1.4 million people who live in south Wales, regularly and comfortabl­y.

We want and need our cities to be vibrant, welcoming, passionate creative hubs, with our capital city, which has a huge appetite for live music, seen as a key part of the UK gigging network and culturally important to the music scene like Manchester and Glasgow.

A Welsh music strategy is a must, and it has to promote a clear vision of the support we can offer up-andcoming bands, music managers, sound, lighting and technical wizards, publishing gurus and any other part of the industry you can think of. In other words, it must provide an apprentice­ship at the coalface.

The reality is that without our small venues we don’t have the stepping stones or apprentice­ship, as it were, that ultimately delivers a Manics or Catfish phenomenon once the talent matches the hard work.

 ?? Richard Williams ?? > Womanby Street in Cardiff, home of the capital’s grass-roots music scene
Richard Williams > Womanby Street in Cardiff, home of the capital’s grass-roots music scene

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