Western Mail

Labour ‘reckless’ over vow to to oppose Brexit Repeal Bill

- Andrew Woodcock newsdesk@walesonlin­e.co.uk

PARLIAMENT is set for a dramatic clash over Brexit after Labour announced its MPs will vote against the key piece of legislatio­n taking Britain out of the European Union.

Jeremy Corbyn’s party will hope its decision to oppose the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill at second reading will split the Conservati­ves when it comes to a vote on Monday.

But Labour was accused of recklessne­ss by Tories, who said failure to get the bill through Parliament would risk a chaotic Brexit at the point of withdrawal in 2019.

The row blew up as Brexit Secretary David Davis briefed the House of Commons on the progress of negotiatio­ns in Brussels, which he said had been “tough” but had made “significan­t steps forward” on issues like citizens’ rights and the Irish border.

Mr Davis confirmed that the UK was ready to step up the tempo of talks and urged EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier to show more “imaginatio­n and flexibilit­y”, particular­ly over Britain’s exit bill, where the two sides took “very different legal stances”.

But he made clear that he expected the row over money to continue right to the end of the two-year negotiatio­n period.

Prominent Tory backbenche­r Jacob Rees-Mogg told the Commons that the EU’s proposal for a financial settlement estimated at £50-£80bn amounted to a “demand for money with menaces” which he branded “ridiculous”.

But Mr Davis was careful to avoid repeating Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox’s accusation of EU “blackmail”, describing it instead as “a pressure tactic to make us pay”.

The Brexit Secretary was jeered by Labour MPs as he told the Commons: “Nobody has ever pretended this would be simple or easy. We’ve always said this negotiatio­n would be tough, complex and at times confrontat­ional. So it has proved.”

Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer reminded him that Dr Fox had said striking an agreement with the EU would be “one of the easiest deals in human history”, while Mr Davis himself predicted that free trade deals covering an area massively greater than the EU would be in place by the time of withdrawal.

Sir Keir called on the Government to drop some of Mrs May’s “deeply flawed red lines” in the negotiatio­ns, including her insistence that Britain will no longer be subject to the European Court of Justice after Brexit.

It had become clear that the PM’s red lines were “part of the problem”, and it was “fantasy” to believe that a deep and comprehens­ive trade deal could be forged while she stuck to them, he said.

“We are reaching the stage of negotiatio­ns where fantasy meets brutal reality,” said Sir Keir. “Too many promises have been made about Brexit which can’t be kept.”

Labour’s announceme­nt that it will oppose the EU (Withdrawal) Bill at the first stage of its passage through the Commons came after a meeting of the shadow cabinet yesterday morning.

A party spokesman said: “Labour fully respects the democratic decision to leave the European Union, voted to trigger Article 50 and backs a jobsfirst Brexit with full tariff-free access to the European single market.

“But as democrats we cannot vote for a bill that unamended would let Government ministers grab powers from Parliament to slash people’s rights at work and reduce protection for consumers and the environmen­t.

“Parliament has already voted to leave the European Union. But the Government’s EU Withdrawal Bill would allow Conservati­ve ministers to set vital terms on a whim, including of Britain’s exit payment, without democratic scrutiny.”

The spokesman added: “The slogan of the Leave campaign was about people taking back control and restoring powers to Parliament.

“This power-grab bill would do the opposite. It would allow the Government to seize control from the Parliament that the British people have just elected.”

The bill is facing a backlash from some senior Tories, Labour and the Liberal Democrats as it contains socalled “Henry VIII powers” which would allow changes to be made to British law without full parliament­ary scrutiny.

But the Government insists the powers will be time-limited and used only to make technical amendments, while significan­t changes to policy in areas like immigratio­n, customs and trade will be contained in primary legislatio­n subject to parliament­ary debate and votes.

“There’s nothing new about statutory instrument­s,” said Theresa May’s official spokesman.

“They’ve been used in significan­t numbers hundreds of times every year for decades.” They are put before Parliament.

“Using these statutory instrument­s is the only way we can provide proper scrutiny and ensure our statute book is ready for exit day.”

Responding to Labour’s announceme­nt, Tory MP Luke Hall said: “This reckless threat to vote against the Bill, without presenting any alternativ­e approach, risks defying the result of the referendum, and risks the most chaotic of Brexit scenarios, where our legal systems and institutio­ns cannot function from day one of our exit.”

And Labour MP Kate Hoey, a prominent Leave campaigner, said the Bill was “crucial” and anyone opposing it at second reading would be “betraying the will of the British people”.

 ?? Victoria Jones ?? > A protester takes part in an anti-Brexit demonstrat­ion outside the Houses of Parliament yesterday
Victoria Jones > A protester takes part in an anti-Brexit demonstrat­ion outside the Houses of Parliament yesterday

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