Western Mail

Who are the real extremists?


I SAW and heard the recent interview with Jacob Rees Mogg MP who since his stance on not favouring abortion in the case of rape has been branded as an extremist.

I wonder in reality who really are the extremists, those like Rees Mogg or those who support abortion under any circumstan­ces as a human right under the laundered language of a ‘woman’s right to choose’, as does our Welsh Assembly Government’s promise to pay for Northern Ireland’s expectant mothers to abort their children in Wales and thereby underminin­g the laws of the Northern Ireland Government. We now also have the push by ‘extremist’ politician­s in the Westminste­r Parliament to decriminal­ise abortion in the UK.

Jacob Rees Mogg believes that each one of us is made in the image and likeness of God. Every human life should be protected in a truthful and democratic society. It’s a scientific fact that every human life begins at conception when the mother’s egg is fertilised and the genetic makeup of the new human is complete. If our lives are not protected then, when and at what point in our existence will we be protected?

The terrible trauma and tragedy of rape truly cannot be underestim­ated, but the perpetrato­r under British Law does not get a death sentence, while the innocent unborn child does. It is up to a truly just society to protect and care for the mother and her child under all circumstan­ces.

Personally, I have spoken to many groups and particular­ly students young and older about the developmen­t of the unborn child and the true nature of abortion and the question of pregnancy resulting from rape always came up, having explained and illustrate­d the developing life of the unborn child, why would I contradict myself and agree with this innocent child’s destructio­n? Any student would be entitled to blow me out of the water if I agreed that the innocent unborn child’s right to life ceased to exist in that situation. Put simply I would have shot myself in the foot.

Lastly, the abortionis­ts want abortion whatever the circumstan­ces as is obvious with 200,000 UK abortions annually, the attack on pro-lifers on the question of rape is just a red herring. Paul Botto Informatio­n Officer (Wales/ Cymru) The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

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