Western Mail

Pensioner jailed for ‘shameful abuse’ of three young girls


A PAEDOPHILE pensioner has been jailed for “shameful abuse” after sexually assaulting three young girls.

Graham Boyle, from Laws Street, Pembroke Dock, was jailed for 11 years after admitting five charges of sexual assault on children under the age of the 13.

Boyle, 78, originally from Bridgwater in Somerset, had told his young victims they would be hated and not believed if they spoke out about his abuse.

The mothers of two of the girls stared Boyle down in the courtroom as they revealed the devastatin­g effect the abuse had on their children.

One of the parents told Taunton Crown Court: “She spoke words that no mother should hear from a daughter. She was so worried she wouldn’t be taken seriously. He told her that no-one would believe her and everyone would hate her if she told anyone. My baby had her innocence stolen.”

She said: “She found her courage and the bravery to come forward because she was afraid other girls would be next. She came forward to protect others.”

A second mother said: “The look of fear on my daughter’s face will stay with me forever. I need to see justice for the mental and physical abuse against my baby girl.”

Prosecutin­g, Pushpanjal­i Gohil told the court that Boyle’s victims were between the ages of eight and 12. “They never felt they were able to tell anyone,” said Ms Gohil.

“It’s had a dramatic impact on children and their families.”

Sentencing, Judge David Evans said he was handing down a sentence for a series of despicable sexual assaults.

He was given a combined sentence of 11 years in prison, with Boyle breathing heavily and clutching the rail of the dock as it was handed down. As he was led from the dock to the cells, there were outbursts from the public gallery.

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