Western Mail

Labour hypocritic­al on uni tuition fees


DURING the Westminste­r debate on Tory plans to raise tuition fees in England, Labour MPs claimed that raising them to £9,250 per year was “unsustaina­ble for students and completely unfair”, “anti-social mobility policy writ large” and “a cold, calculatin­g trick on young people”.

Did they realise that this is exactly the same policy that the Labour government has implemente­d in Wales?

Labour’s blatant hypocrisy on this matter beggars belief.

We heard eloquent speeches explaining exactly why raising tuition fees to £9,250 per year is unfair on young people and is hugely damaging to social mobility. Perhaps they should have directed their speeches at their colleagues in the Welsh Government, who seem perfectly comfortabl­e with this move.

If the Labour Party feels so strongly about the need to hold a vote on this matter at Westminste­r, then why not give us the same opportunit­y in the Welsh Assembly?

Labour fought an election campaign in June on the promise of scrapping tuition fees, yet the Labour government in Wales is now hiking up these fees to record levels.

Until Labour practises in government in Cardiff what it preaches in opposition at Westminste­r then why should we trust a word they say?

Llyr Gruffydd AM Plaid Cymru Shadow Secretary for


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