Western Mail

‘Obsessive’ man jailed for harassing his ex-lover


AN “obsessive” and “dysfunctio­nal” man repeatedly breached a restrainin­g order by trying to give his former partner red roses while she was out with friends.

Cardiff Crown Court heard 61-year-old Stephen Owen was convicted of harassment in 2012 and has been in and out of prison since then for breaching his restrainin­g order.

Judge Stephen Hopkins QC described his behaviour as a “campaign of harassment”.

The court heard his latest offences occurred last summer in July and August.

Matthew Cobbe, prosecutin­g, said the defendant used to be in a relationsh­ip with Julie Hurd but they separated several years ago.

Owen was convicted of harassment in October 2012 and a restrainin­g order was imposed.

Prosecutor­s said he “ignored” the order and continued to send messages and gifts to Ms Hurd.

The court heard he was jailed in November 2014 for two years for inflicting grievous bodily harm and breaching the restrainin­g order.

Mr Cobbe said he pulled the victim around the bedroom by her hair, causing her to hit her head on a bedroom table.

Owen breached the restrainin­g order again not long after he was released from prison by following her into a shop.

The court heard he said: “What were you playing at putting me away for a f***ing year?”

He was jailed for eight months for that offence.

Prosecutor­s alleged the new offences formed part of a “pattern of behaviour” designed to harass Ms Hurd.

Owen, of Severn Avenue, Barry, initially denied breaching the restrainin­g order but admitted four counts on the day his trial was due to start.

Judge Hopkins described him as dysfunctio­nal and obsessive and jailed him for 16 months.

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