Western Mail

Man, 48, falsely claimed murder had taken place and wasted police resources


A man has admitted falsely claiming a murder had taken place in Swansea, sparking a major police armed and air response and leading to an innocent man being handcuffed and a woman needing medical attention.

Police received an emegency call on January 13 from Baruch BenDavid, of North Hill Road in Mount Pleasant, who claimed someone had been killed at an address in Townhill, Swansea magistrate­s heard.

Officers took the call seriously and responded with armed officers and the force helicopter.

But after they took a number of actions, it was eventually discovered that the “murder” was fabricated, and time had been wasted.

Ben-David, 48, pleaded guilty to the wasteful employment of police resources by falsely claiming a murder had been committed.

Prosecutin­g, Lisa Jones told the court: “The defendant had gone to a petrol station in West Cross, from where he reported a murder had taken place. Clearly, police were deployed, including the use of the police helicopter. There was a forced entry [at the alleged address] by police, which prompted medical interventi­on for a woman, who was understand­ably very distressed.

“Another individual was handcuffed, but freed.”

Ben-David also pleaded guilty to other charges, including theft from shops, failing to surrender to bail and commission­ing offences while subject to a conditiona­l discharge.

Craig Harding, for Ben-David, told the court: “This offence is out of character. There are clearly issues of mental well-being.”

Sentencing was adjourned for two weeks, for a probation service report to be carried out. Ben-David was remanded in custody ahead of sentencing, on March 14.

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