Western Mail

Wales’ water sold down the river


ALTHOUGH Jonathan T Clark (WM letters, March 28) rightly refers to how Wales’ water is exploited by England, it is worth giving a typical example of the amazing extent of the exploitati­on. It amounts to monumental state-sponsored larceny in favour of England, of course, and utter “colonial mentality” contempt towards Wales.

The current contract between the Welsh Water authority and the Severn Trent Water authority was imposed by the Thatcher government in 1984. It dictates that Welsh Water must supply Severn Trent with a quantity approachin­g 360 million litres of water daily, with Welsh Water getting the outrageous pittance of 3p per 1,000 litres for this water. Imagine it – 1,000 litre bottles of water for 3p!

The initial term of the agreement lasts until March 31, 2073. Thereafter, Severn Trent has the option of renewing the contract for a further 99 years. How much will 3p be worth in the years 2073 and 2172? As Mr Clark points out, Welsh Labour MPs showed that they are very happy with this situation by failing to turn up to vote for change when the Welsh Water Bill was before the House of Commons in January 2014. Moreover, Severn Trent are at liberty to do what they like with this water and are, apparently, making a handsome profit by selling some of it on to other water authoritie­s in England. Gwyn Hopkins Llangennec­h

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