Western Mail

Photos show a snapshot of the female perspectiv­e


A NEW exhibition is currently running at National Museum Cardiff which explores the role of women in photograph­y, both as producers and subjects of images.

Women in Focus, at National Museum Cardiff ’s photograph­y gallery, is a year-long exhibition which draws on works from Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales’ photograph­ic collection­s.

The exhibition comprises two parts: Part One: Women Behind the Lens, which runs until November 11, celebrates the role and contributi­on of women throughout the history of photograph­y, from the first pioneering woman photograph­ers in Wales, Mary Dillwyn and Thereza Dillwyn Llewelyn, indirect objectific­ation, an issue that has to emerging contempora­ry practition­ers particular currency in today’s climate. including Chloe Dewe Mathews, Bieke Women in Focus has been Depoorter and Clémentine programmed to coincide with the Schneiderm­ann. centenary of the Representa­tion of the

Part Two: Women In Front of the Lens, People Act 1918, which gave some opening December 1 and running until women over the age of 30 the right to June 9, 2019, explores the representa­tion vote for the first time. of women as subjects in photograph­y, This Act marked a key moment in the from intimate and playful 19th-century fight for universal suffrage. staged family portraits by John Dillwyn The photograph­s in this exhibition are Llewelyn and Robert Thompson from a variety of discipline­s but all come Crawshay, to later depictions that from unique, female perspectiv­es, capture the innate beauty of beginning with early studies of nature womanhood. and landscape by Mary Dillwyn and

Part Two also seeks to examine how Thereza Dillwyn Llewelyn. photograph­y has been used to misreprese­nt ■ Visit museum.wales for more informatio­n women through direct or

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