Western Mail

Kinnock’s cheap shot at Russia misses mark


LABOUR MP Stephen Kinnock is saying England footballer­s should wear black armbands at the world cup in protest at the Russian regime – talk about double standards and hypocrisy,

For the past 16 years, Labour and the Conservati­ve regimes have been robbing 150,000 pensioners in the FAS (Financial Assistance Scheme) of the pensions they were promised and paid for. It is these pensioners who should be wearing blackarm bands, at the total lack of support and “up yours” attitude from his party and the nasty Conservati­ve Party. Even many of his constituen­ts at Tata Steel are being robbed of their pensions. They should be putting legislatio­n in law that if you pay in full for your pension, that is what you recieve – but all that these MPs can do is take cheap shots at another country instead of supporting UK families.

Another MP, like many in Wales,

who just ignores the failings of Westminste­r. John Benson Dinas Powys

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