Western Mail

Tolerate this outrage and you’ll be next


COUNCILLOR Nigel Dix’s letter in Monday’s Western Mail attacks Jeremy Corbyn for not throwing his weight behind Trump and his puppets’ totally illegal attempts to incite a bloody coup in Venezuela.

It’s been admitted by senior members of the Trump regime that behind this blatant interferen­ce in the affairs of a sovereign nation is the desire to get US corporate hands on the vast reserves of Venezuelan crude oil. The chance of making an example of a small country that will not bow to US foreign policy and neo-con economics must of course also be a factor.

The usual excuse for regime change, normally swallowed whole by a compliant media, is that it’s

about restoring democracy and humanitari­an issues.

Isn’t it odd that they find no fault with a totally undemocrat­ic Saudi regime which beheads gays and allows the stoning to death of unfaithful wives, to say nothing of its horrendous war crimes in Yemen? But then again Saudi Arabia is already a close ally of the USA and is willing to spend billions on US weapons for its massacres.

The Venezuelan economy is in a mess, for two reasons – mainly because the US and its puppets like the UK have illegally applied sanctions which stop investment and the purchase of spare parts for the vital oil industry.

Secondly, President Maduro has “squandered” the country’s resources on free healthcare, building homes for the poor and eliminatin­g illiteracy.

In the past they have even gifted heating oil to the poor in the US, and the GLC before the decidedly unpoor mayor, Boris Johnson, cancelled the scheme as not needed by his poor Londoners.

At the moment Venezuela cannot even access billions of pounds’ worth of gold reserves it held in the Bank of England which the Bank is, totally illegally, threatenin­g to give to Guaido, the man who has been appointed the new unelected president of Venezuela by Trump and his cronies. This is an act of stupendous arrogance totally ignoring all internatio­nal norms.

But if this is the way things are going I may as well go with the flow, and appoint James Dean Bradfield as the new independen­t councillor for Blackwood in place of Nigel Dix, because “if you tolerate this your children will be next”.

Denver Thomas Pontcanna, Caerdydd

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