Western Mail

It didn’t cross my mind that I would have cancer ... I was completely devastated

Kirsty Dobbs was devastated to be told she had cervical cancer in her mid-20s. She spoke to Bronte Howard about coming to terms with the diagnosis, and her hopes of avoiding an early menopause

- ■ If you want to donate to Kirsty’s fundraiser, it can be found at www. gofundme.com/f/life-changingtr­eatment-for-cervical-cancer

WHEN Kirsty Dobbs first started having heavy periods, she didn’t think it would be anything to worry about.

But in May, after having her first smear test, she was given the devastatin­g news that she had cervical cancer.

Since her diagnosis, the 27-yearold has had to come to terms with the fact that she will undergo weeks of gruelling chemothera­py and she may never be able to have children.

Kirsty said she is utterly heartbroke­n by the awful prospect of going through the menopause at such a young age as a result of radiothera­py.

Specialist treatment which could stop her going through this is not available on the NHS in Wales.

Kirsty, from Maesteg, was diagnosed with stage one cervical cancer in May 6 after having her first smear test.

“I got the letter in the post when I was 25 but forgot about it and life got in the way. I eventually went for the test after going to see my GP because I was having problems with my periods. I just thought it would be routine, I didn’t think anything of it.

“It didn’t cross my mind that I would have cancer. I haven’t heard of anybody having cervical cancer so young.

“I’d been having heavy periods for around eight months, but other than that I didn’t have any symptoms.”

When the first smear test couldn’t be carried out because Kirsty was bleeding too heavily, she knew something was wrong. Eventually the nurse found abnormalit­ies in the cervix and samples revealed she had cervical cancer.

“As soon as they said there were abnormalit­ies, I don’t know why, but I just knew I had cancer.

“When they told me, I was completely devastated but I had been expecting it. I was expecting the worst to happen.

“Initially it was stage one, but after having more tests I was told it was stage two.

“I’ll have to have five weeks of radiothera­py five days a week, with one session of chemothera­py and after that I have brachyther­apy (internal radiation therapy), which is more intense.”

The treatment could damage Kirsty’s womb and is likely to leave her unable to conceive naturally or carry a child, while radiothera­py can also affect the ovaries, triggering an early menopause. A procedure that can prevent early menopause in women like Kirsty is available on the NHS – but the only service fullyfunde­d in the UK is in London.

A spokeswoma­n for the Welsh Government said some people can be transferre­d to other services in the UK, but Kirsty said her only option is to pay thousands of pounds to undergo the treatment privately.

The procedure, known as ovarian tissue freezing and transplant­ation, can preserve fertility and prevent early menopause in women about to start cancer treatment by kick-starting normal hormone function.

It involves keyhole surgery to remove one ovary which can then frozen and stored until the tissue is transplant­ed back to the patient when treatment has been completed.

The ovary can be surgically placed on to the remaining ovary or into the lining of the abdominal cavity.

In January, the Royal Free London Hospital became the first in the UK to offer the service fully-funded by the NHS, and patients from Islington, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Barnet can be referred.

Kirsty said: “It absolutely should be on the NHS and available to everybody. I know at first the procedure was considered experiment­al in the UK because of ethical concerns around storing ovarian tissue, but it’s widely performed across the world.

“It’s not a very complicate­d surgery. They would remove one of my ovaries before I have the treatment, freeze it and then reattach the tissue once the treatment is finished.

“Obviously there are risks and there can be complicati­ons, but there are risks with all types of procedures.”

It’s hoped the NHS-funded service will be rolled out across the UK.

“It would be life-changing for me,” Kirsty said.

“I’ve been able to come to terms with everything else. I’ve accepted that I have cancer and won’t be able to carry my own child, but the thought of going through the menopause is devastatin­g, especially when it can be prevented.”

To cover the cost of the first stages of the treatment, Kirsty will need to pay £7,000. This includes the operation to remove the ovary and have it frozen – not the operation to have the ovary reattached. To cover this cost, Kirsty has set-up a GoFundMe page with a target of £7,000.

“Going through the menopause and feeling like an old woman in a 27-year-old’s body will ruin me,” she said.

“The only good thing that’s come out of this is that a lot of my friends and work colleagues have since gone for their smear test.

“I’m glad that I’ve been able to raise awareness and I would encourage every woman to go for their test.”

A spokeswoma­n for the Welsh Government said: “Cryopreser­vation (freezing) of embryo, eggs, sperm or gonadal tissue is available for patients who are embarking on medical or surgical treatment that has the potential to render them infertile.

“Those at risk should be offered an opportunit­y to discuss their circumstan­ces with a fertility specialist regardless of potential eligibilit­y for cryopreser­vation.”

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