Western Mail

We’ve had this man foisted upon us


SO THE man who would be “world king” has finally got his foot on the first rung of the ladder. Voted in by a minuscule number of the UK electorate imbued with the saloon bar bigotry of the Daily Mail.

These elderly, and overwhelmi­ngly English, Tories have foisted yet another privileged public schoolboy upon us whose acquaintan­ce with the world of work is minimal.

Johnson’s chief attribute is the mock Churchilli­an bluster that masks his legendary inability to master detail. This is a man who I suspect would find difficulty in organising the proverbial drink-up in a brewery. His legacy as mayor of London will probably be defined by the absurd Garden Bridge project which cost the citizens of London more than £45m but which was never even started.

At the time of the Grenfell Tower disaster fire officers commented on the reduction in London Fire Brigade numbers, instigated by Johnson during his mayoralty.

His tenure as Foreign Secretary was an utter shambles. He embarrasse­d both himself and the UK.

His ill informed comments on the case of Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe were disgracefu­l and put that poor woman in greater jeopardy.

His refusal to support the position of Sir Kim Darroch when asked at a recent TV hustings almost certainly resulted in that highly respected British diplomat’s resignatio­n.

Johnson’s carefully constructe­d image of the bumbling but endearing clown hides a nasty and petulant side, according to many who’ve known him. Not least Max Hastings, his former editor at the Telegraph, who delivered a coruscatin­g verdict on his character. Hastings declared that Johnson was “absolutely unfit” for the premiershi­p.

One of his first tasks will be to deal with the crisis in the Persian Gulf, a crisis created by the US administra­tion who seemed to have leaned on the UK Government to seize the Iranian tanker, Grace 1. The current hawkish US policy is almost

certainly being led by John Bolton.

Johnson will doubtless play the “mini me” to Donald Trump, and will happily sign up to a trade deal with the US which will prove utterly detrimenta­l to the economic fortunes of the nations of UK and to Wales in particular.

Johnson is a blustering narcissist dedicated to the promotion of himself.

Anyone who thinks he is anything other than a chancer on a mega Arthur Daley scale is as deluded as the man himself. Beam me up, Scotty! I Seaton Mumbles, Swansea

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