Western Mail

Restore pride post-Brexit to ‘overlooked’ areas of UK, urges charity


PRIDE must be restored to overlooked towns, and investment targeted at people locked out of opportunit­y in order to heal a post-Brexit Britain, a charity today urges.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) said minimum wage hikes and increases to high-quality apprentice­ships are necessary for politician­s to win back public support in a divided era.

A “far more ambitious” response is required to attract businesses, improve transport and invest in skills in areas where people have been “locked out of opportunit­y”, the charity said.

The recommenda­tions are based on research suggesting that voters’ priorities are long-standing domestic problems despite Brexit having “monopolise­d” political debate.

Ambitious policies to bridge the divide between Remain and Leave voters could deliver an electoral boost, according to the research.

JRF executive director Claire Ainsley said: “People on low incomes across Britain are frustrated with politician­s who fail to act on their concerns. Voters across Britain have told us that ‘politics as usual’ will simply not cut it any more.

“Low-income voters are turning out to vote in greater numbers and are the most likely group to switch their vote. Any party wishing to govern should take their concerns seriously.”

The JRF recommends the first step is for the Government to deliver the proposed UK Shared Prosperity Fund and ensure it at least matches the 2.4bn (£2.2bn) in spending that will be lost from the EU’s structural funds.

Good jobs that provide security are a priority for voters, while employers should beat politician­s’ pace by paying real living wages before legislatio­n is enacted, the charity said.

Basic literacy, numeracy and digital skills for all adults are needed as a priority, as is spreading opportunit­y outside of London with significan­t investment, it added.

The recommenda­tions were based on research commission­ed alongside the UK in a Changing Europe research team based at King’s College London.

Working with ComRes, the study was based on in-depth conversati­ons with 190 people on low incomes across nine towns and cities including Newport, Glasgow, Leeds, Southampto­n, Bolton and Dudley.

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