Western Mail

No ‘good Brexit’ for Northern Ireland as Swinson


LIBERAL Democrat leader Jo Swinson has said there is no “good Brexit” for Northern Ireland.

On her first ever visit to the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, the new party leader said it is still possible to stop the UK leaving the European Union.

She travelled to the part of the border between Co Armagh and Co Louth to meet community representa­tives and young people in the area. Alliance Party deputy leader Stephen Farry also spoke to her about the dangers of a hard Brexit.

She said: “I felt it was important to come and listen to people and community groups about their experience­s and about what the prospect of a hard border means to the communitie­s. It’s very powerful hearing from those individual­s who live and work in this area. The Liberal Democrats have been very clear in our position, we think that Brexit is bad. There is no good Brexit for the UK and that includes Northern Ireland.

“We have been fighting for there to be no border here where I am standing and the way in which that has operated successful­ly for years now has been as members of the European Union and we are still members of the EU and it is still possible to stop Brexit.

“I recognise that for communitie­s here the backstop is an important insurance policy but the best possible outcome is to have Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland both within the EU so that we can have a strong UK, in a strong EU so communitie­s can live, work and go about their daily lives without the hassle of a hard border and without all of the downsides for our economic prosperity that will ensue if we do go ahead with Brexit.”

She called on Boris Johnson and Michael Gove to visit the border and listen to people living and working in the region. Ms Swinson also said she was “not surprised” the Prime Minister took almost a week to contact Irish premier Leo Varadkar after he was appointed.

“He was perhaps our worst ever Foreign Secretary and does not possess the skills or diplomacy that was required for that role so we shouldn’t be shocked that in the role of Prime Minister he is also not demonstrat­ing that statesmanl­ike approach that ought to be needed,” she added.

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