Western Mail

‘1 in 20 not getting paid holidays’

- ALAN JONES newsdesk@walesonlin­e.co.uk

AROUND one in 20 workers do not receive any paid holidays, and one in 10 does not get a payslip, according to a think-tank.

The Resolution Foundation said its study highlights the scale of unlawful working practices across the UK.

Its research indicates that workers over the age of 65 are most likely to not have paid holidays, despite the legal entitlemen­t to 28 days a year, or pro-rota for part-timers.

The older age group are also more likely than younger workers to earn less than the minimum wage, said the report.

The Resolution Foundation said workers in hotels and restaurant­s miss out out more than others on legal workplace entitlemen­ts, while those in small firms, employing fewer than 25, are most likely to not get pay slips and paid leave, as are workers on zero-hours and temporary contracts.

The think-tank said the scale of working practice abuse highlights the need for better enforcemen­t of the UK’s labour market rules.

Lindsay Judge, senior economic analyst at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Labour market violations remain far too common, with millions of workers missing out on basic entitlemen­ts to a pay slip, holiday entitlemen­t and the minimum wage.

“The Government’s welcome proposal to create a new single enforcemen­t agency should leave it better placed to tackle these labour market violations than the multiple bodies currently operating, as long as it’s properly empowered and resourced.

“The Government should also prioritise investigat­ions into sectors like hotels and restaurant­s.”

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