Western Mail

‘Sadistic’ dad beat his kids with horsewhip


A “SADISTIC” father beat his children with a horsewhip and forced them to stand against a wall for so long they wet themselves.

The 34-year-old man, who cannot be named to protect his children, tormented the youngsters over several years, the court heard.

Judge Keith Thomas told Swansea Crown Court the father of 10 children derived a sadistic pleasure from physically abusing some of them.

The judge sentenced him to 10 years, with six years and nine months in prison and an extended sentence of three years and three months.

The court heard the defendant was from a travelling family, and the offences occurred in several places, including Wales.

The sentencing hearing was told he would punish bed-wetting by making the children face a wall with their hands on their heads for hours. They weren’t allowed to turn around or speak, which meant they sometimes wet themselves, which resulted in them being hit.

The children he shared with his ex-wife, whom he also beat up, were horsewhipp­ed and forced to cover up their bruises. But a school worker discovered marks on one of the children and reported them to social services.

The parents denied the assaults and, although the children were taken away from the defendant for a while, they were later returned to his care.

The defendant had admitted seven counts of actual bodily harm and 13 counts of child cruelty. He was prohibited from approachin­g his ex-wife or children for 15 years.

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