Western Mail

Woman glassed her lover’s face


A WOMAN left her boyfriend needing stitches when she pushed a wine glass into his face causing bleeding and cuts following an argument.

Victoria Burton assaulted Neil Carey with the glass at home in Newport, causing him to fear he would be permanentl­y scarred.

Cardiff Crown Court heard Mr Carey was left feeling “numb”.

James Evans, prosecutin­g, said the incident happened on January 12.

Prosecutor­s said Burton started drinking white wine and Mr Carey began drinking too.

There was an argument and the incident happened at around 9pm, by which time they both accepted they were drunk.

Mr Evans said Burton tried to take the glass away from her partner, but he threw wine at her.

He told the court: “She reacted by taking the glass from him and driving it into his face.”

Prosecutor­s said she did not smash the glass first, but it broke when it came into contact with his face. Mr James said it caused “quite severe laceration­s”.

The court heard she apologised immediatel­y and tried to help him by stopping the bleeding.

Mr Carey subsequent­ly reported the matter and Burton was arrested. Burton, 44, from Brynglas Avenue in Newport, admitted assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm.

Rachel Adams, defending, said her client had no previous conviction­s and told the court it was an “isolated incident”.

Judge Nicola Jones gave her a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, and ordered her to complete 30 days of a rehabilita­tion activity.

She must pay £420 in costs and a £149 victim surcharge.

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